Jobs F/Vs to Tugs

Hi everybody, I’m a deckhand whose been working commercial fishing vessels for a few years but I just put in my application for MMC as an OS. I am looking forward to switching my career from fishing to becoming a professional seafarer and was looking into jobs on tugs. My problem is that I’m having a hard time figuring out what companies to apply to as far as who offers the best compensation for entry level positions. I’m also looking for a job where I won’t be stuck in a harbor for my hitch, I would much prefer being offshore. Anybody have any suggestions? I also would be looking for a company that is on the east and west coast because I will be moving from the east coast in the next couple of years. Thank you in advance for any helpful information and I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Centerline logistics, vane brothers , Crowley , curtain for the time being. All on east and west coast . Wouldn’t waste your time with Crowley you’ll need a lot
More than an os for an entry level job.

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Finding work as an OS is extremely hard. Why didn’t you get your AB?

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I don’t believe that I have the documented sea time I need just yet (I have 332 days that I was able to get signed off on) and I simply haven’t had both the time and money at the same time to take the class. I also thought it might be better to get my basic training endorsement first. Although I could be very wrong in that line of thought because I am VERY new to this.

Yes I always see posts for Centerline jobs just wasn’t sure about there reputation. Again I am very new to this world lol so I’m probably wrong on a number of things. I appreciate your time and thoughts though, thank you.

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Ah shit, 28 days short. Do one more fishing trip?

Most tugs are small enough to be exempt from STCW requirements on domestic routes. I would recommend making getting AB your number 1 priority, then get a job on a tug and start working on STCW. In order to be an AB on STCW boats you’ll need not just Basic Training but also RFPNW and AS-D (Able Seafarer - Deck) which is a slog to get through all those onboard assessments.


The grass is never greener on the other side , it’s the same shit at ever tug company just a different logo , you’ll gain more experience working the deck of a tug in New York harbor than you will offshore get some years under your belt . Then figure out which route you wanna go Engine room , wheelhouse , tankerman .


As a matter of fact that is in my very near future. Supposed to hop on F/v Christy for surf clamming in a few weeks. And after that I’m supposedly gonna be part of the crew on a new double dredge clam boat the company just acquired

Ok I gotcha, I like that idea!

lol forgot to do the quote thing, anyways ok that sounds good

Ok that answers quite a few questions I’ve had. I really appreciate this advice gentlemen, thanks very much. Once I have those 28 days documented I’ll resubmit for AB and go from there. In the meantime I guess there’s more clamming in my future lol

Looking at your sea letters, were your 332 days documented as 8 hour or 12 hour days?

Harbor tugs or near coastal tugs on domestic voyages under 200grt you don’t need all that stcw stuff . Yes it’s good to have but you can get your foot in the door without it.

The credentialed personnel on some other vessels are considered compliant with STCW by virtue of their US license and are under no further obligation to STCW. These vessels are those less than 200 GRT operating on a domestic Near Coastal voyage (“Near Coastal” is defined as those waters within 200 miles of the US shore and within the jurisdictional waters of the US).


I just looked at it and it was documented at 12 hours

I wonder…. Could I start applying while awaiting my credential? In fact tomorrow being Monday I will start making some phone calls and see where that gets me

So 332x 1.5 is 498 sea days you could get an special , I wouldn’t apply now you could but with the amount of company hiring you might be wasting there time not meeting the minimum requirements.

Wow I was completely unaware that my time was wrong on that. So without waiting for my OS cred to come I can resubmit for AB Special?


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Wow OK that changes everything. Thank you so much for that information!! But definitely wait to apply until I have at least my OS in hand

Have you been notified by the local Coast Guard REC that your application has been sent on to NMC? If you have passed the REC screening process you should have provided you with a Reference Number.

This number and your last name should allow you to check on your current application status. This would provide you information as how far along you are in the process. They may have moved your MMC request to the issue phase.

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