I recently was accepted to SUNY Maritime for the class of 2020.
I am in the Marine Transportation program with deck license.
I want to ship out. (Container ships, tankers, etc)
I have read some of these forms saying how the job market is not what it used to be and how even though you may have graduated from a maritime academy it is hard to get a job.
I am looking for some advice on what the employers are looking for, what should I do in college to boost my resume to help with finding a job when a graduate. And also some advice on networking and the process of finding a job.
Enjoy school and cruise as much as you can. When opportunity arises, cadet ship to make sure you see a side of shipping you do not get on cruise. Best decision I ever made was to go to Schuyler, it set me on the right path that I needed to move me into adulthood. The market will change and hopefully improve by the time you pass license, so again, enjoy your time there and worry about jobs in a few years. Congrats on the acceptance.
As others have said, study hard, keep your mouth shut, and put up with the Regiment. Definitely go cadet shipping for your 2nd class cruise if you can. Not everyone gets selected. While Marine Transportation is obviously a Deck license program; it is not the only one. Unlike many colleges, it is difficult to change majors after your freshman year. Take some time to talk to upper classmen, professors, and others about which deck degree is right for you. The engineers used to call all the Marine Trans. majors “MT” pockets but it is all good.
Just go to the maritime academy and study. Dont worry about the industry’s lack of good paying jobs. Cross that bridge later when you’ve invested 4 years and thousands of dollars.
I graduated from an academy in May. The job market is very slim. The offshore oil industry has taken a hit from oil prices. So those jobs have dried up for the most part, and those laid off are seeking employment elsewhere, blue water and brown water, making it even tighter.
Things you should be getting before you get out of school that can help you after would be to try and get your Tankerman PIC signed off during cadet shipping. That alone will open doors for you on tankers. If your school offers it do the tug and barge and start your TOAR. Get every endorsement you can such as ECDIS, medical PIC, etc.
I took a job with MSC and so far they have been exceptional. Your best bet is too get a high billet for your commercial cruise with a company and end up working for them. At my school that meant, demerits, cruise grades, and GPA. So take that shit seriously.
[QUOTE=BlueH20;178109]I graduated from an academy in May. The job market is very slim. The offshore oil industry has taken a hit from oil prices. So those jobs have dried up for the most part, and those laid off are seeking employment elsewhere, blue water and brown water, making it even tighter.
Things you should be getting before you get out of school that can help you after would be to try and get your Tankerman PIC signed off during cadet shipping. That alone will open doors for you on tankers. If your school offers it do the tug and barge and start your TOAR. Get every endorsement you can such as ECDIS, medical PIC, etc.
I took a job with MSC and so far they have been exceptional. Your best bet is too get a high billet for your commercial cruise with a company and end up working for them. At my school that meant, demerits, cruise grades, and GPA. So take that shit seriously.[/QUOTE]
Thank you, this is very helpful. Good luck with MCS