Hi all
this may have been answered before but here it goes.
I am looking to raise the hp of my chief osv license. I got it last year when all you had to do was ask for it when getting your dde issued. So my question is, since all that changed, do I need to raise the grade of dde first or can I just upgrade the hp of the osv license? I am thinking I can use past seatime with appropriate hp, which last year my past hp didn’t matter for the dde. I have read the cfs regarding time for raising hp but its a little confusing.
You have 2 options; either provide the additional service to increase the HP on your DDE - 3 years total engineer service for DDE unlimited HP (under the old system) <you can only apply under the old rules once and you must specifically ask for evaluation under the old rules, so choose wisely>, or use <the new> 46 CFR 11.503 to increase your HP limit (150% of the max HP on 50% of your service or 50% of total service over 4000 HP to get unlimited). But here is the issue, which service amount will the NMC use to apply the 150% rule? Is it 50% of what you [B][I]used [/I][/B]to get your DDE/Ch Eng (OSV) or 50% of the [B][I]new service[/I][/B] for ChEng (OSV) which is 4 years?? Until we see the NVIC addressing those type of details for the OSV credentials, I am not sure what NMC would do.
I would suggest you submit this as a question to the USCG at stcwask@uscg.mil before you decide what would be best for you. If you go the route of upgrading your DDE, you should also consider applying for <under the old rules also> Asst Engineer (Ltd Oceans). It is the same service as DDE unl HP.
[QUOTE=rwells78;136370]You have 2 options; either provide the additional service to increase the HP on your DDE - 3 years total engineer service for DDE unlimited HP (under the old system) <you can only apply under the old rules once and you must specifically ask for evaluation under the old rules, so choose wisely>, or use <the new> 46 CFR 11.503 to increase your HP limit (150% of the max HP on 50% of your service or 50% of total service over 4000 HP to get unlimited). But here is the issue, which service amount will the NMC use to apply the 150% rule? Is it 50% of what you [B][I]used [/I][/B]to get your DDE/Ch Eng (OSV) or 50% of the [B][I]new service[/I][/B] for ChEng (OSV) which is 4 years?? Until we see the NVIC addressing those type of details for the OSV credentials, I am not sure what NMC would do.
I would suggest you submit this as a question to the USCG at stcwask@uscg.mil before you decide what would be best for you. If you go the route of upgrading your DDE, you should also consider applying for <under the old rules also> Asst Engineer (Ltd Oceans). It is the same service as DDE unl HP.[/QUOTE]
Due to some oddball circumstances with my hr dept I wont be able to get a sea letter for a while. So the quickest way I can help myself and my boat out is just worry about upgrading the osv license. My past app had sea service on some tugs and such over 5k hp. I figured it would be safe to apply for 4k for now and according to the above info, the new regs. I turned my app in 9 days ago and got the email today that i am awaiting an evaluator.
@Osveng, Please keep us posted on how you make out with your upgrade. Like to see which route they are going to take.
Same here, keep us updated. I too have a mish-mosh of service including the bulk of my time >20,000 HP (steam) and < 4,000 HP motor so it will be interesting . Mine will be for an original license. Good luck to you.
[QUOTE=catherder;136421]Same here, keep us updated. I too have a mish-mosh of service including the bulk of my time >20,000 HP (steam) and < 4,000 HP motor so it will be interesting . Mine will be for an original license. Good luck to you.[/QUOTE]
Ok here is an update.
my evaluator tried to use the old regs. After some discussion, he ended up looking at the evaluation going by the new regs. Much to my chagrin, the tugs I served on in the past don’t come up in whatever database they use to look up boats in. Therefore he can’t see their hp. I then offered to try to get that past employer towrite a letter explaining the vessels hp. He said he would only accept that if they gave documentation to back it up. So I scrubbed that idea.
Another thing odd is the vessel I am on currently according to his database is 2800 hp. It is actually 3800.
lastly, for me to get 4k I need to have all time on boats over 3001. Half of my time is on a boat right on 3k.
In closing I am now going the upgrade the dde route to upgrade the chief osv. I willl have enough time mid june. The next pitfall is getting a letter from my office and turning it in before july 28 when my app expires lol
Thanks for the update, Sounds odd that database does not match registration of the vessel…I would get something from the vessel (or company) that your on now to make sure you get credit for HP. Better to do it now, then later. Good luck.
catherder - Remember the HR office is not the only source for a service letter. Per 46 CFR 11.211 Creditable service and equivalents for officer endorsements.
(a) Sea service may be documented for the purposes of this part in various forms such as certificates of discharge, pilotage service and billing forms, and letters or other official documents from marine companies signed by appropriate officials, [B]or individuals holding an officer endorsement or license as master[/B].
It may just be me, but that is a little cryptic. I guess I can call the nmc and ask. According to that cfr the chief engineer could sign it too.