§ 11.524 Service requirements for designated duty engineer of steam and/or motor vessels.
(a) DDE endorsements are issued in three levels of horsepower limitations dependent upon the total service of the applicant and completion of appropriate examination. These MMCs are limited to vessels of not more than 500 gross tons on certain waters as specified in § 11.501 of this part.
(b) The service requirements for endorsements as DDE are:
(1) For designated duty engineer of steam and/or motor vessels of any horsepower, the applicant must have three years of service in the engineroom. Eighteen months of this service must have been as a qualified member of the engine department or equivalent supervisory position.
(2) For designated duty engineer of steam and/or motor vessels of not more than 4,000 horsepower, the applicant must have two years of service in the engineroom. One year of this service must have been as a qualified member of the engine department or equivalent supervisory position.
(3) For designated duty engineer of steam and/or motor vessels of not more than 1,000 horsepower, the applicant must have one year of service in the engineroom. Six months of this service must have been as a qualified member of the engine department or equivalent supervisory position.
[CGD 81-059, 52 FR 38623, Oct. 16, 1987. Redesignated and amended by USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11216 and 11251, Mar. 16, 2009]
§ 11.503 Horsepower limitations.
(a) Engineer licenses and endorsements of all grades and types may be subject to horsepower limitations. Other than as provided in § 11.524 of this part for the designated duty engineer (DDE), the horsepower limitation placed on a license or MMC endorsement is based on the applicant’s qualifying experience considering the total shaft horsepower of each vessel on which the applicant has served.
(b) When an applicant for an original or raise of grade of an engineer license or MMC endorsement, other than a DDE, has not obtained at least 50 percent of the required qualifying experience on vessels of 4,000 or more horsepower, a horsepower limitation is placed on the MMC based on the applicant’s qualifying experience. The endorsement is limited to the maximum horsepower on which at least 25 percent of the required experience was obtained, or 150 percent of the maximum horsepower on which at least 50 percent of the service was obtained, whichever is higher. Limitations are in multiples of 1,000 horsepower, using the next higher figure when an intermediate horsepower is calculated. When the limitation as calculated equals or exceeds 10,000 horsepower, an unlimited horsepower endorsement is issued.
© The following service on vessels of 4,000 horsepower or over will be considered qualifying for the raising or removing of horsepower limitations placed on an engineer license or MMC endorsement:
(1) Six months of service in the highest-grade endorsed: removal of all horsepower limitations.
(2) Six months of service as an officer in any capacity other than the highest grade for which licensed or endorsed: Removal of all horsepower limitations for the grade in which service is performed and raise the next higher grade endorsement to the horsepower of the vessel on which service was performed. The total cumulative service before and after issuance of the limited license or MMC endorsement may be considered in removing all horsepower limitations.
(3) Twelve months of service as oiler or junior engineer while holding a license or MMC endorsement as third assistant engineer or assistant engineer (limited oceans): removal of all horsepower limitations on third assistant engineer or assistant engineer’s (limited oceans) endorsement.
(4) Six months of service as oiler or junior engineer while holding a license or MMC endorsement as second assistant engineer: removal of all horsepower limitations on third assistant engineer’s endorsement.
(d) Raising or removing horsepower limitations based on service required by paragraph © of this section may be granted without further written examination providing the OCMI who issued the applicant’s license or MMC endorsement, considers further examination unnecessary.
DDE’s have no horsepower service requirements other than being on at least 1000 hp vessel that is 100grt or more and has a walk in engine room. Your horsepower rating is assigned to you based on your sea days that you have not the horsepower on which you have served. There again meaning you can get a dde unlimited having only served your entire career on something 1000 hp as long as you meet the allotted sea service requirements. That’s why the only dde tickets you will see have either a 1000,4000, or unlimited designation. There is no such thing as a dde 2000 or a dde 5000, because it is not based on the horsepower of the vessel you served on, and all three are limited to 500grt.