The Artemus Group announces its [I][B]Import Security Filing Services[/B][/I] program (Artemus ISF) introduced to address the U.S. Customs Service establishment of the final rule, requiring that all import shipments into or on board U.S. bound vessels will need additional filing elements (10+2 Rule) at least 24-hours prior to cargo loading at the overseas port. Artemus’ system can provide direct access to reporting to U.S. Customs System and is now a certified service center and software provider for Import Security Filings for the transportation industry.
The Artemus ISF program can be used by Importers as a standalone reporting product or by Freight Forwarders, NVOCC's and Ocean Carriers, as a standalone or as an integrated program with the Automated Manifest System (AMS) also provided by Artemus. Clients can report ISF individually or on a per vessel basis and integrate their work process with the AMS requirements to cut down on the additional data entry while meeting the requirements of both the ISF (10+2) and AMS (24 Hour Rule) .
The Artemus Group can set up and provide AMS access for Carriers and NVOCC's own operating systems as a registered service center. The Artemus Group launched their fully integrated AMS system known as the Artemus Customs Reporting System (ACRS) in 2004. "By using either our system or our service center, importers, ocean carriers and NVOCCs can send import information directly to Customs, as well as to their customers without having to re-enter it into another system. They then receive their confirmation numbers, messages or rejections from Customs through Artemus AMS or Artemus ISF or their own operating systems, so they don't have to switch from system to system," said Steven Pniewski, President - Artemus Group.
"Our approach to reporting software is really quite simple," says Pniewski "The shipping and maritime business is our business. We are shipping people. We understand the cost of third parties doing this work on your behalf. "If you are an importer, you can use our ISF stand alone system for about $1 per shipment…with no limit to the number of users. Artemus provides ISF filings through an internet based product, available 24/7 at a cost that is far below most other software companies."
"Our competitors are software people with a software mindset, The Artemus Group understands the entire shipping process and our customers not only get support for using our software but also support with their shipping process execution. Other service center/software providers cannot match our level of industry experience and simple, affordable tools for Customs reporting. The Artemus Group continues to provide 'one-stop shop' solutions and direct links to AMS and ISF and Canada's ACI."
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The Artemus Group currently services over 70 NVOCC's, Carriers and Importer clients in 17 countries connection to US Customs for AMS and ISF. "The Artemus Group has been our one and only provider of U.S. and Canada Customs Reporting Software since these rules have been put in place. Artemus provides affordable products, responsive service round the clock and their products are simple, easy to use and reliable" says Oliver Chau, President of AT Container Line based in Hong Kong. "Artemus has helped us build our business in addition to providing us with Customs reporting solutions. Their knowledge of the business has helped us internally work smarter and more efficiently" says William Chao, President of Sky World International based in California. ""Sunitrans Group has been using the ISF system offered by the Artemus Group with ease and success. Artemus Group is professionally managed and run by executives of high regard and the ISF system is one of the most convenient software programs which can be used for online filing with the customs", says Ajit Bhat, Managing Director of Sunitrans Group.
The Artemus Group is planning to release a second version of the Importer ISF program in September 2009. This version will provide importers the ability to sign up, pay for and execute ISF filing anytime from anywhere with the added bonus of being able to file ISF's, from hand held devices such as an I-Phone, Palm Pre, Blackberry and other devices that run Windows Mobile. "This second generation product will incorporate all the necessary components for importers to do their own ISF's fast, easily and cost effectively. This version will hopefully allow importers to control the entire ISF filing process and still have the required links to U.S. Customs, their carriers/freight agents and their customs brokers", Pniewski says. Demos of this new product will be available in September 2009 through the Artemus Group website, [[B][U][/U][/B]](
To contact Artemus Group for a online demonstration for up to 10 computers at one time, please contact 866-SHIP-101 (866-744-7101) or email us at [EMAIL=""][B][U][/U][/B][/EMAIL]
[B]About The Artemus Group [/B]
The Artemus Group is a privately held company that offers transportation software applications, Internet applications, basic shipping training known as Shipping 101ä, Hazardous Cargo Handling Training, Business Consulting for Shipping Start Ups and Staffing services for all aspects of the international transportation industry. The company is headquartered in Virginia Beach VA.
The Artemus Group Customs reporting software (AMS/ISF/ACI) is a web based application designed specifically to meet the needs of the US Customs 24-hour rule, US Customs 10+2 Rule and the Canadian Customs 24-hour rule. Features include global access with customer specific security management, customer and vessel profiles, customized reporting, direct access to responses from US and Canadian Customs as well as manifest print, PTT and IT capability with the proper bonds.