I'm calling BS on Maritime Executive for this one

sorry Tony, but you really shouldn’t just cut and paste the offal that gets sent to you by maritime cretins like Sea Shepard Society!

[B][U]Sea Shepherd Launches Operation Zero Tolerance[/U][/B]
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Yesterday morning, Captain Siddharth Chakravarty sailed the Sea Shepherd Ship (SSS) Steve Irwin out of Seaworks, Williamstown, Australia, to kick off Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s Operation Zero Tolerance, its ninth Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign. The Steve Irwin is Sea Shepherd’s flagship vessel.

Chakravarty is a young sailor from Maharashtra, India and this will be his second Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign with Sea Shepherd. “The aim is to bring an end to whaling. We want to permanently end illegal whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, which is protected by an international moratorium,” he said.

Captain of the SSS Bob Barker, Captain Peter Hammarstedt stated, “The plan is for our fleet to meet the whaling fleet in the North Pacific off Japan. We are planning to take the battle pretty much up to Japan itself. We are keeping the location and identity of our new vessel, the SSS Sam Simon, a secret in the hope that the first time the whalers see the Sam, is when she comes into view on the slipway of the factory processing ship, the Nisshin Maru, effectively shutting down their illegal whaling operations.”

Currently docked in Marina del Rey, California on its very first trip to the mainland U.S., the fast scout vessel, the SSS Brigitte Bardot, will depart on November 11 and quickly meet up with the rest of the Sea Shepherd fleet.

Hammarstedt also went on to say “it is expected Sea Shepherd Founder and President Captain Paul Watson will appear in command of one of the vessels when the action begins.” Captain Watson has been in an undisclosed location since July 22 when he forfeited his bail and departed house arrest in Germany to avoid being extradited on bogus charges to Costa Rica and Japan.

Australian Director Jeff Hansen stated, “This is our strongest fleet to date, with four ships and more than 100 international crew representing 23 nations to defend the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Operation Zero Tolerance will be Sea Shepherd’s best-equipped and most effective campaign to date. This is a defining moment in Sea Shepherd’s history; we have no tolerance for whale poachers. Our objective this year is 100%. We are going to try and intercept them as quickly as possible, and try to make this the first year they get zero kills.”

“We have never been stronger and the Japanese whalers have never been weaker, we need to take advantage of our strengths and their weaknesses and we need to bring this campaign home – to Japan,” said Captain Watson.

How do we know they are bogus charges? Maybe Sea Shepard is going beyond the law too much to be allowed to continue this circus of theirs?

My feelings toward the extremely bloated immense media whore Paul Watson is already fully known here!

What is it going to take for the world to be rid of this utterly pompous arrogant poseur cartoon character Watson? I am beginning to become to truly loathe this person and want him ROTTING IN A FILTHY PRISON SOMEWHERE FOR A VERY LONG TIME!

[B]Sea Shepherd Kicks Off Drama Filled Anti-Whaling Campaign[/B]
By Mike Schuler On November 7, 2012

The notorious Sea Shepherd Conservation Society kicked off its 2012-2013 anti-whaling campaign this week as the society’s flagship SSS Steve Irwin-as in Sea Shepherd Ship (SSS)-sailed out of Williamstown, Australia to start its “Operation Zero Tolerance” campaign and face off with the Japanese up North.

Now in its 9th season, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society promises that Operation Zero Tolerance will be society’s best campaign yet with a strong arsenal that includes a secret new vessel, new celebrities, and even an international crime drama thrown in the mix.

“The plan is for our fleet to meet the whaling fleet in the North Pacific off Japan,” said Peter Hammarstedt, who commands Sea Shepherd’s SSS Bob Barker, one of four ships in the SS fleet. “We are planning to take the battle pretty much up to Japan itself.”

Sounds exciting. Hammarstedt continues setting the stage with a teaser for the Sea Shepherd’s secret new ship, the Sam:

“We are keeping the location and identity of our new vessel, the SSS Sam Simon, a secret in the hope that the first time the whalers see the Sam, is when she comes into view on the slipway of the factory processing ship, the Nisshin Maru, effectively shutting down their illegal whaling operations,” Hammarstedt added.

Pamela Anderson on the SSS Brigitte Bardot
Photo: Sea Shepherd

The last ship in SS fleet is the SSS Brigitte Bardot, a “fast scout vessel” currently docked in Marina del Rey, California on its maiden voyage to the U.S. mainland. The SSS Brigitte Bardot’s official send-off featured a guest visit from celebrity animal rights activist and actress, Pamela Anderson, who donned a Sea Shepherd wetsuit, rode a jet ski, and hugged an activist dressed as a shark during the launch ceremony.

Noticeably absent from the group is “Captain” Paul Watson who has been in hiding since July after forfeiting bail in Germany where he faced possible extradition to Costa Rica on several charges stemming from an altercation with poachers and the Guatemalan Navy during an anti-shark finning campaign.

Despite his international status, however, Hammarstedt assured that Watson would show once the cameras start rolling the campaign begins.

“It is expected Sea Shepherd Founder and President Captain Paul Watson will appear in command of one of the vessels when the action begins,” he added.

But no matter what happens with Watson, Sea Shepherd promises that this season will be the best one yet.

“This is our strongest fleet to date, with four ships and more than 100 international crew representing 23 nations to defend the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary,” said Sea Shepherd’s Australian Director, Jeff Hansen. “Operation Zero Tolerance will be Sea Shepherd’s best-equipped and most effective campaign to date.”

“We are going to try and intercept them as quickly as possible, and try to make this the first year they get zero kills,” Hansen added.

Do you know there is a feature film now in production glorifying the life of that seagoing criminal Watson with Russell Crowe playing his role?..such insanity as SSS cannot be perpetuated? THAT MAN MUST FALL AND THAT UTTER CLOWN CIRCUS WITH HIM!

I’ve never seen a larger collection of douchebags in one place. It’s like the maritime version of the gang who can’t shoot straight. Maybe the Costa Rican navy will send a commando unit to snatch him up I’d volunteer for that mission.

[QUOTE=Fraqrat;88193]I’ve never seen a larger collection of douchebags in one place. It’s like the maritime version of the gang who can’t shoot straight. Maybe the Costa Rican navy will send a commando unit to snatch him up I’d volunteer for that mission.[/QUOTE]

We don’t need Costa Rica…I’ll lead it! Remember we have the command and stealth mobiles in their secret underground bunker waiting to be reactivated!

How in hell is he going to live without being able to set foot on land without risk of arrest! He has to eventually or he just going to always keep one vessel as sea with him on it as a perpetual fugitive? I wish the US and Canada would strip him of citizenship and make him literally “the man without a country”!



Yes I can understand your distaste. Just another in a long line of ego maniacs leading his hippie sycophants to the grave. Sound familiar? There isn’t enough tofu, weed or hippie chicks to make me wanna follow that shitbag anywhere.

I have found out what ship the Sam Simon is. It is flagged in Australia. http://www.amsa.gov.au/Shipping_Registration/List_of_Registered_Ships/Page_55.asp
_Sam Simon: IMO: 9053452
The IMO number matches that of the former Kiako Maru no. 8: http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/shipdetails.aspx?MMSI=572490210

This ship is currently in Brisbane harbor.

a few months ago it was bought and renamed “New Atlantis” and given the flag of the small nation of Tuvalu, typical Sea Shepherd tactic, then a bout a month ago they transferred the ship to teh SSCS and re-flagged it in Australia. It only had the flag of Tuvalu for a very short time

On the port of Brisbanes ship movement list. The ship is still listed as the New Atlantis

I suspect the Kaiko Maru no.8 was bought by a shadow company and then transferred to the the SSCS and to Brisbane

I wish the guy would cut the theatrics and turn himself in. He’s shown himself to be just as kooky as MacAfee. It’s a shame, too, because I have no love for shark finners and whalers, especially since the Japanese are turning away from whale meat and most goes unsold and wasted. They should stop trying to create an artificial market for it already. The moratorium is not going to be lifted, not now not ever.
If he believes in what he’s doing, he should lawyer up and step forward and face the music. If not, then I don’t know what to say except sooner or later, he’s going to have to go ashore for something. Medical attention, family shit, whatever. Or the rest of his fleet may end up seized like the Farley Mowat.
Isn’t he a Canadian citizen? Where does the Canadian gov’t stand in regard to this guy?