I hold 1600 Ton (3000 ITC) Master Oceans, Master of Towing Oceans, sixth issue and have had my AB Unlimited for nearly 20 years. I was thinking of sailing as an AB on deep draft vessels just for grins, but my STCW certificate doesn’t show RFPNW, or the II/4 or A-II/4 codes. Is it as simple as asking the USCG to add them to my cert or am I screwed?
Here’s what I do have:
In the paragraph above the table: The Government…blah blah blah…of regulation(s) II/2, IV/2, and II/3 of the above Convention…
Master - Limited to vessels of not more than 1600 GRT (Domestic Tonnage), 3000 Gross Tons (ITC Tonnage). Valid for service on on vessels…GMDSS.
Master - Limited to aux sail vessels…blah blah blah
I DON"T want to go to school to learn how to be a lookout, to learn what a point is, or what a correct rudder command is, you know what I mean? I’ve TAUGHT those classes, for Christ’s sake!
I DON"T want to go to school to learn how to be a lookout, to learn what a point is, or what a correct rudder command is, you know what I mean? I’ve TAUGHT those classes, for Christ’s sake![/quote]
What is sad, is that many AB’s that work for me don’t know any of that stuff, especially the “AB Specials” who usually can’t steer or tell me what the relative bearings are.
I’d call the REC or MMC and ask them if you have the STCW endorsement to sail AB. You obviously have the MMD.
I’m not sure if it helps, but my Deckie oceans (Master Unltd) STCW references the following “provisions of regulations VI/4, II/2, VI/5, & A-WAV”
Capt. A,
The AB is on your MMD, the fact that you’re are an AB and have certain training is an inherent qualification to getting the Mate or Master license and they now leave it off your STCW Cert. That’s my conclusion after mucho googling. Also it semms “A-WAV” means you have a waiver-like needing glasses, etc. Looking forward to your post after you call NMC so I can see if my research is correct.
I was told by instuctors and NMC that when/if I get my 500 it will trump my RFPNW. I am sure you can stand look-out and say uh, uh, we have a object about 1 mile off our port.
CA, I agree with HN…OICNW trumps RFPNW…But why is it missing from the STCW cert…?
…I spent some time looking in the Marine Safety Manual vol III , chapter 16, has a few things of interest but not a clear cut answer…As near as I can tell II/2 is your OICNW and that is all you should need…
[quote=Jeffrox;11602]Capt. A,
The AB is on your MMD, the fact that you’re are an AB and have certain training is an inherent qualification to getting the Mate or Master license and they now leave it off your STCW Cert.[/quote]
Tell that to the HR folks who hire ABs. What I’m told by an employer is: if II/4 doesn’t appear on the STCW, I’m not qualified as RFPNW on vessels over 1600 GRT (3000 ITC), period. I understand they’re probably exercising an abundance of caution, since they’re as confused by all this as we are. I need clear guidance from NMC, a policy letter or a corrected STCW certificate, that will satisfy an employer.
I called NMC this morning, and left a voicemail for the evaluator who issued my most recent STCW. I’ll post when there’s news.
Interesting, I know when I got my continuity license back, my STCW endorsement came back as RFPNW not OICNW, so is that enough? or do I need that II/4 also?
Here’s what I got via email today from NMC. The bold italics are mine:
Since you hold a Master 1600, we do not endorse AB (RFPNW) or Survival Craft on the STCW since it is inherent to the Master 1600. [I][B]Some of the REC’s still put it on but now that everything is centralized everyone’s credential should be the same.[/B][/I]
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
I didn’t have any additional questions, only observations. I pointed out in my reply that companies who are looking for ABs are specifically looking for RFPNW and Survival Craft on STCW certs, and may not realize that Master 1600 includes it, and asked if they could print me a cert that had II/4 and VI/2 on it, so as to eliminate potential barriers to employment. We’ll see what they say.
So what do you do now C_A? carry that e mail around and submit it with your resume?..
It always made sense to us that your OICNW took precedence over RFPNW ,I just wish it was printed somewhere in an official reg and it would save many people in similar situations alot of grief…