How To Survive an Election

Mailed ours a month or so ago. Hope it got counted. To old to wait/risk in line with this pandemic shit.


Taken in greater context of what we know today that’s happening all around us … yes. It is utter BS.

You’re sitting there banging on your keyboard about some crap that resulted in nothing. Meanwhile, the American election system is on fire across the whole nation today, right now, it’s happening right in front of your face.

But you want to expend brain matter and energy on the 2016 election? Geezus man? What is wrong with you???

For the record I didn’t flag Earl, I don’t know who did, I don’t care. I don’t even care about his opinion. Or yours. Wake up, climb out of your basement, go out and get some fresh air. And while your at it, call your local elections office and ask them how you can have ANY confidence about your states election system in the future, given all the fraud that has been shown fir all to see the last few days.

I have full confidence in my states election system. I voted by mail in ballot three weeks ago. I received an email when my ballot was sent to me, an email when it was received back by the county, and an email when it was processed and counted. I haven’t seen the fraud yet.


Because so many rules have been broken, or changed, or simply not observed. Dead people have been voting. People ‘out of state’ are voting in states they don’t reside in. Videos of poll workers filling out blank ballots while counting are all over the internet. “Thousands” of missing ballots are being found … ALL of them voting for the same candidate …

I could go on and on, it’s disgusting. Our system of ejections has its good and bad points. But it was NEVER designed to manage fraud and cheating from within, by the very people running the process.

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We did receive emails regarding our request, and that they were sent, but no confirmation yet they were processed. Our state has already determined the “winners” and is not in the mess the ones with “Too close to call”. All I can hope is it is done right for our two votes.

Only ballots put in the ballot box as per rules at the voting center should be allowed. When voting is closed, the box is opened and the ballots checked. You have the result within an hour. This system with postal votes/ballots stored in paper boxes being transported around for counting later is just a joke.


Pilot16, you have been mainlining conspiracy theories on the internet. Hopefully you will go cold turkey before Thanksgiving. Trying to stop the vote is anti-democratic. Is that so hard to understand?


I don’t why people are so concerned about who is president since the senate and house make the laws. All the president can do is sign or veto. Both of the candidates waiting for election results are a joke for different reasons. Trump because that is what he is, never succeeded in anything but being a game show host. Why Biden, a former senior senator and VP, at his age would want to inherit this mess with a major recession just getting started and an escalating pandemic to boot is beyond my comprehension.
The scary thing is these two are apparently the best the country has to offer according to the primary voters from both parties in the USA.
Might as well have nominated Papa Smurf and the Cookie Monster as far as I’m concerned.


And sign and issue Executive Orders.


Noted without comment.


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Noted without comment.


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True, congress can override an executive order. But when you have a corrupt congress that is not likely. So the president becomes a dictator via executive orders which belies the boast of the USA being a democracy. Everyone knows the USA is not a democracy. It is an oligarchy much as the “founding fathers” intended.

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Richard Nixon came close to establishing a fascist form of government thru executive action and almost stole an election. He was brought down by his incompetent operatives. Had the internet and “social” media existed then he may well have succeeded. He did leave behind many operatives like Roger Stone who was an operative for Trump. The money that pays for these operatives and who pays it is the real story. The Biden operatives are just more subtle. The big money boys that actually run the USA hedge their bets and support both parties. This is not a new thing. But sadly we don’t have politicians today who will stand up to them as Franklin Roosevelt did in 1936 when he said in Madison Square Garden.
“We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace—business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.”

Courageous politician. No one has the guts to make such a statement today.

(How To Survive an Election)…win it!

More to the point, don’t lose the most consequential election in history.

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I must have hit a nerve.

Did I say to stop the the vote?


Wow, amazing interpretation of history. And today, too…

In a similar vein … Looks like Earl must have worked all night putting that document together.

“No further comment” :wink:


Blank 5.pages (380.3 KB)
From a columnist in today’s paper. No comment

It is more than just executive orders. It is every federal agency. Dept of Interior decides if and when to hold mineral lease sales. EPA decides when and how to sign off on environmental impact studies. DHS decides how and where to focus their immigration enforcement efforts. And even if the senate is the opposite party of the president, they still typically approve the judges he appoints.

More and more it is looking like Georgia will dictate the future of the Senate anyway.

Normally I’d agree, but there seems to be some cheating on a massive scale. And that is an assault on democracy. For the good of US citizens, democracy, the USA and the world in general (barring China and North Korea etc), it must be a fair and honest election. Anything less must be fought. We can’t let the corrupt media decide for us.

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