Good day All
Just now joined this remarkably forum. Does any body know how to start Marine Pilot? Thank you
Good day All
Just now joined this remarkably forum. Does any body know how to start Marine Pilot? Thank you
Like you wanna fly seaplanes?
No what I mean is marine pilot/harbour pilot who maneuvers ships through dangerous or congested waters.
The best way to start would be to look into what maritime academies, colleges, or universities are in your country and to try to be accepted to that.
Haha seaplanes
Well thanks for contribution. Actually I have been working on board and just thinking to move in this area. Presently holder Class 1 and hopefully spending career as Marine/Maritime pilot. thanks again bro.
What’s a Class one?
This is primarily an American forum, with a few notable exceptions. Most of us here will not know that a Class 1 CoC equals what we call a Master’s “license.”
There are a handful Norwegian, Dutch, Kiwi, Aussie, Canadian, Brit, and possibly the odd American, active members that might be helpful to you.
But first, you need to provide more information. Specificly, WHERE you aspire to become a pilot.
Tugsailor is right. Need a lot more info. What capacity do you sail? Where? What stage of your career are you in?
Becoming a pilot is not impossible…but careful planning is needed.
My guess is that he’s a Brit with a UK MCA unlimited Master. I assume that qualifies him as a pilot candidate in the UK, EU, and a few other places. I suppose he could be Indian or any other nationality, or hold a CoC from some other country. Nationality, Residency, and country issuing his CoC would also be important pieces of information.
Thanks tug sailor and redandwhite for info.
Tug sailor:Aspire from harbour pilot that brought my ship to jetty. Job wasn’t engage him into routine work all the time and payment is good enough.
Redandwhite:capacity as master on LNG and 17 years already in this industry.
I know, right? Who wants to do drills, time sheets, and listen to people bitch about eachother all the time. For the birds I tells ya.
Sorry about my dismissive remarks earlier. It was too little to go on to give you a good answer. It is very dependent on where you would like to be a pilot. Hopefully you can stick around the forum and contribute with your ranging experience.
Thanks folks for contributions. High appreciate that. Yes I will LI Domer.
As a few other folks have commented, it depends on which port you’d like to work in. Especially here in the U.S., every port has different requirements such as minimum license/CoC,experience requirements ( eg-time as master),and age limits. Many pilot groups have training/apprenticeship programs to train you in local knowledge and ship handling. I would suggest you contact the local Maritime Authority in the port you are interested in working.
He did not state his nationality, what country issued his CoC, or where he hopes to become a pilot. So, there is no way for anyone to provide any specific useful information.
Looking at his last post, I don’t think English is his primary language.