Hey guys, I want to get into the merchant maritime field but i don’t know where to start. I have my TWIC, MMD, and passport and I’ve submitted online applications and made phone calls but no one ever gets back to me. I would take any entry level seagoing job just to get some sea time. does anyone have an in for me, or someone I can email or call who is actually looking to hire new people?
Figure out what kind of work or boats you want to work in and go from there. You are asking a very vague question that could honestly give you a million different answers. Tell us what exactly what you want to do and maybe someone could help you.
[QUOTE=nolanhickey40;153840]Hey guys, I want to get into the merchant maritime field but i don’t know where to start. I have my TWIC, MMD, and passport and I’ve submitted online applications and made phone calls but no one ever gets back to me. I would take any entry level seagoing job just to get some sea time. does anyone have an in for me, or someone I can email or call who is actually looking to hire new people?[/QUOTE]
My God MAN! You have no idea how lucky you are that someone other than myself answered you first!
Military Sealift Command has opening for entry level.
Going to make some popcorn, I’ll be right back.
I give up on adding damn pictures!](http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/captaint761/media/61D3D1D7-3E0D-49F2-972F-893834E19C7F_zps4yiqlesb.jpg.html)[/IMG]
[QUOTE=RichM;153872]Going to make some popcorn, I’ll be right back.[/QUOTE]
I think the ones that wield the pointy sticks are over it and/or lacking internet service currently.
[QUOTE=Ctony;153875]I think the ones that wield the pointy sticks are over it and/or lacking internet service currently.[/QUOTE]
no I’m still here but so flabbergasted at the sheer impudence of the man to post such utterly obtuse nonsense, that I struggle to recover my wits…
I hope he comes back…
hey back little fishy
I want to get into the merchant maritime field but i don’t know where to start.
first you needs to get your terminology correct…it is the merchant marine or the maritime industry. As far as fields go you can get into a battle, baseball, wheat, corn, soybean or Potter’s…you gotta pick one first and stick with it. No chance to change your mind later.
lastly, you need a key to be able to start…you mean they didn’t give you one with your papers?
I have my TWIC, MMD, and passport
sorry, but you’re wrong again…it is your TWIX & MSD that you need
I’ve submitted online applications and made phone calls but no one ever gets back to me.
maybe it is because you have really bad BO? rather like the bottom of the hold in an ancient wooden New Bedford dragger. Just sayin…
I would take any entry level seagoing job just to get some sea time.
yeah, get in line with all the other idiots who haven’t figured out going to sea is a terrible way to make a living and is only for us unwashed boobs…
then again, you may be perfect? you say ANY entry level job eh? would you take busboy? “Oh busboy, it seems my friend has thrown up on the table. Clean up that mess, boy, will’ya?”
does anyone have an in for me
sure, there are tons of maritime recruiters in Alabama and Mississippi who have hundreds of maritime jobs just begging to be filled…look em up with the Google to see all those great high paying jobs they got…but of course you have to sign away a year’s pay to them but only for the first year. After that you get to keep half.
or someone I can email or call who is actually looking to hire new people?
sorry but all those people suddenly died yesterday…tough luck old man
All boat jobs are taken until further notice.
Does he know that most maritime jobs make you get on a boat for 180 days at a time and most don’t have phone service, internet or cable TV? On top of that you have to buy your own groceries…geez, prisons have to be better than being on most boats!
I have applied for MSC with my AB and 100 ton endorsement and havent heard back from them. I applied for an entry level job.
You gotta love the douche-baggery of the so called experts on here attacking new guys, especially taking into consideration the number of jobs that the owners of “pointy sticks” are permanently blackballed from!
It amazes me that the o’great on on here argues about how selfish everyone is and how we should be more like Europe. The arguments I have had with that guy. One can only shake his head and realize that that poor bastard has to wake up every morning and still be him. If he was such the giver he claimed he was he should be falling to his knees to help those who are trying to do something with their lives. I am sure this guy feels awesome that some internet jerk off makes fun of his attempt to ask for help. We all started somewhere. Some people tend to forget that and believe they are somehow better than others.
Guy, I can’t speak for all sectors but the offshore oil field service jobs are very slim pickings currently. Even calling and spending time working the lobbies probably couldn’t land you a job right now, but three months from now it could be a very different story. My best advice is to apply to several sectors, and take the first offer if you find one. When things do change you may get a call for that better job and will at least have some sea time to go with you. Good luck.
Personally I think the SIU’s Apprentice program is hard to beat as a way to get in the industry. Yes there is a lot of BS to deal with (in the program) but if you can’t handle that you may not belong anyway. If you don’t like it you can always walk away.
Many tug companies need to hire and train new deckhands, engineers, and mates. There are not enough experienced guy to fill all the jobs, and the companies do not want to get into bidding war. Many companies prefer to train their own. They are looking for people who will make an effort to do a good job and have the potential to move up. 90 percent of new deckhands are gone within a year.
A few suggestions:
Pay a pro to write a good resume for you.
Go in person to local companies and ask for a job. If nothing else, it will be good practice to help you learn how to interview. At the end of the interview, ask what you might do to improve your job prospects. How can I improve my interviews? How can I improve my resume? What am I doing wrong? What additional training should I seek to make myself more employable? Etc.
If you have visible piercings or tattoos take them out or cover them up. Wear presentable clothes. Be polite. Speak English. In other words, don’t look or act like a freak or an idiot.
Take anything you can get to gain experience. Do not overlook yachts and fishing boats. Those are good places to gain initial experience.
For free, you can learn how to tie the 10 basic knots quickly and accurately. Learn how to splice various types of line. Start with youtube, then look for an old salt that will show you. If you can afford it, take The BT (formerly BST) course. Some maritime schools have good employer contacts. Schools like MAMA and MPT can help you. Network with mariners. Any type of workplace OSHA or safety classes will help.
If you really want to improve your chances learn to cook.
Be persistent.
serious answer to our original poster:
please read through hundreds of old threads here to find the answers you seek…asking them yet again without doing your research first will not get you what you are hoping for from us old hands. We don’t take too kindly to people who don’t want to do their homework and want us to just hand them all they want.
when you have and have specific questions about what you read then you can come back with them…
Not sure of your location but for a true greenhorn you would prob have a shot getting on a fish processor out of seattle. Search online for Trident Seafoods, Icicle Seafoods, Coastal Transportation.
[QUOTE=ForkandBlade;153887]You gotta love the douche-baggery of the so called experts on here attacking new guys, especially taking into consideration the number of jobs that the owners of “pointy sticks” are permanently blackballed from![/QUOTE]
Love to shake your cage but since you feel I am wrong, instead of poking me with your stick why don’t you write a very long reply to the original poster answering every question he has and then invite to hold his hand while he goes door to door with vessel operating companies begging for a job?
Being the great mensch you are, I know you’ll do anything to help the guy. Better get going…he’s waiting!
[QUOTE=c.captain;153877]then again, you may be perfect? you say ANY entry level job eh? would you take busboy? “Oh busboy, it seems my friend has thrown up on the table. Clean up that mess, boy, will’ya?” [/QUOTE]
Of course…Norwegian Cruise Lines in Hawaii! Here’s the link
there are also a whole slew of other small vessel cruise lines in the US. All are likely hiring at the moment for the upcoming summer.
don’t thank me now Guy, but you do owe me your first year’s pay…