This post is in reference to the following thread: US Navy hospital ship XO remove for sexual assault which discusses an article I wrote about assaults aboard the USNS Mercy.
Ok, I have to discuss the issue with a few of my most vocal critics privately so… let’s try this again.
please note that while this may seem like just another issue, it is not, and the commets are causing a significant amount of personal stress on me and is causing us at gCaptain to spend a metric s ton of time and money based off one two letter word in a title.
are you a vigilante DamnYankee? There are legal and ethical ways to hold the press accountable. Angry forum comments are not one of them.
I have talked to a few of you privately. A few have suggested I add legal context. I have been reluctant to write about the legal aspects of this case because just telling you what I am about to write increases gCaptain’s liability.
What is different about the Hospital Ship article is that we broke the story and the charges involved are serious. Because of the severity of the charges we went through proper channels with USN Public Affairs Officers and US Government channels. We went through our own legal review process.
Changing an article after the fact based on “angry forum comments” sounds simple but opens us up to legal consequences.
The first amendment does not prevent us from being sued.
- what is most disturbing to me is the fact that after countless requests to treat each-other with respect some feel the need to continue to gang up on other members here.
I don’t agree with it but I understand that some feel the need to set the record straight because operating aboard ship is dangerous and if someone has the wrong information others maybe in peril for following it.
This is different however.
If you guys were upset about a mistake I made a aboard-ship then you have the professional knowledge and experience to call me out on the error.
But none of you are journalists and only a few of you are lawyers.
One of our very basic rules here on this forum is that you don’t step outside of your box of expertise and be vindictive towards another forum member about something you do not have the experience and training to criticize.
So if you are a lawyer or if you have knowledge and authority that surpasses that of an O6 or GS-15 public affairs officer then please PM me and our lawyer will consider your advice.
If YOU want to accept the legal liability of writing articles about allegations of very severe crimes then go write it elsewhere.
Otherwise note that several lives have been changed irrevocably by this tragic incident and comments posted on public forums are not free from liability.
Advice from Sea lawyers who are not real lawyers or journalists is no different from a small sailboat skipper trying to tell a master unlimited how to run his ship.
It’s not that the sailboat skipper can’t add value to the conversation. The problem is his advice is out of context. Similarly many of you do have the expertise to know the difference between an XO and Chief Mate BUT your knowledge of those jobs does not fit into the context of a libelous action suit.
If you want to continue to blast me in this thread and continue to create new threads after old ones were closed and you were asked to stop. Go ahead. Just note that lawyers are involved with this case and we can not protect you legally.
- this forum is operated at a financial loss. Your continued anger and insistence to rub my nose in the semantic error of this article’s title leads me to believe I have lost your trust.
If we at gCaptain have fundamentally lost your trust then this forum no longer can be managed effectively and should be closed.
I still believe there is a lot of excellent information and insight contained on this forum but I can not operate a business without customer trust or by spending inordinate amounts of time responding to a litany of angry posts, emails, PMs, text and social media messages scrutinizing two letters (XO vs CM) in one article title.
- If the US Navy does not have have a problem with our title, then I do not believe you have the right to be angry.
I will not open this site up to more liability by changing that article. If, however, you think there is some major problem that WAS OVERLOOKED (i.e. has not been mentioned already) then please PM me with your phone number and I will call yoi back.
- your right. Media needs to be held accountable. I hope and pray you are all yelling even louder at the NY TImes, CNN and Fox everytime they screw up a story about ships… which seems to be almost daily lately. @DamnYankee please post how you are holding these media outlets accountable so we can follow your lead.