Have any one used the Torch

I am always looking for a brighter flashlight well I have found one The Torch made by wickedlasser.com 4100 lumens bright well has any one used this flashlight

I am also looking to find a very bright head light to mount to my hard hat any info please I have found one that is one hundred lumens but want brighter

[quote=bullyjohn;12231]I am always looking for a brighter flashlight well I have found one The Torch made by wickedlasser.com 4100 lumens bright well has any one used this flashlight

I am also looking to find a very bright head light to mount to my hard hat any info please I have found one that is one hundred lumens but want brighter

This flashlight is not only a major fire hazard but it also has a run time of just 15 minutes. Waste of money. You’d be much better off with a miners lamp.

Have you used one or are you just looking at the web site run time can be solved by an extra battery
Miners lamp is only fifty lumens max
They show things on the web page frying an egg for example any thing used wrong can be hazardest

I use the Pelican HeadsUp Lite 2610 LED on my hard hat, and I really like it. Two levels of light selectable. Well made, bright, and it hasn’t broken yet.

I carry two lights- a headlamp and a regular flashlight.

I recommend the Surefire G2 if you want a BRIGHT light. I carry one and a headlamp with several light levels.

The headlamp- http://www.amazon.com/Rayovac-Sportsman-LED-Headlight-Pack/dp/B001F0RCIC

is great in locks-handsfree- so you can handle lines. Wherever you look- light. It has a bed low intensity setting for map work on the bridge. Got mine at WalMart for $15

I’ve had it two years- no problems.

The Surefire ran me $30- but it’s great if you need to get someones attention-fast- or for security at the gangway at night.

You can also mount one on a long gun or pistol with adaptors available from the company:D

The best headlamp I’ve had to date is by Stanley, I think. It’s cheap, but bright enough on high, not so useful on low, but has a RED setting so you can see things in the wheel house without losing your night vision.

Streamlight stinger is by far the best I have ever used… Extremly bright, light weight, rechargable, small and easy to carry.

Ok didn’t buy a torch because of the heat thing but both my ultra stingers have died and tired of sending them in all the time. So just got a new light its a XPG cabalas 534 lumes twice as bright as the ultra stinger and made way better. If any one is looking recommend this light have a great day all.