Has anyone heard about New USCG

Has anyone heard about New USCG Rules to come out in April?

Get your applications in before the new rules come out.

I heard a License is being put between Mate 1600 and Master 1600 to be called C/M 1600. Lots of other things changing as well.

Any info on possible changes for either AB’s or QMED’s???

Wasn’t there a rumor going around about DDE 1,000hp going away and DDE 2,000hp coming in??

[QUOTE=Rocket187um;47864]Has anyone heard about New USCG Rules to come out in April?

Get your applications in before the new rules come out.

I heard a License is being put between Mate 1600 and Master 1600 to be called C/M 1600. Lots of other things changing as well.[/QUOTE]

Where is the information on this? The information as I understand it, is that this was put on hold until the 2010 Amendments are put into effect in 2012. Maybe something has changed, but I imagine there would be a NPRM put out like there was last time with a 90 day response period. I’m sure Mr. Cavo would have the straight information on this, and I’m sure the industry would be abuzz as it was last year when the NPRM came out. Sounds like a rumor.

“Has anyone heard about New USCG…”

Wow, got all excited for a moment before reading the rest of the question!

This wonderful image flashed by of an agency with a charter to promote the American merchant marine, staffed by professional mariners with no military conditioning, and no law enforcement fantasies. An organization that employs experienced officers with real experience in the areas they oversee, inspectors who have actually worked on a ship or a platform, licensing folks who hold a license … sigh.

Nothing offical to report. As I’ve said ad nauseum, I can’t comment on unpublished rulemaking.

[QUOTE=Steamer;47880]"…This wonderful image flashed by of an agency with a charter to promote the American merchant marine, staffed by professional mariners with no military conditioning, and no law enforcement fantasies. An organization that employs experienced officers with real experience in the areas they oversee, inspectors who have actually worked on a ship or a platform, licensing folks who hold a license … sigh.[/QUOTE]

You lost me at “An organization that employs experienced officers with real experience…” Then I knew this was pure fantasy that can never happen. Does anyone seriously think MARAD would be any better?

[QUOTE=Steamer;47880]“Has anyone heard about New USCG…”

Wow, got all excited for a moment before reading the rest of the question!

This wonderful image flashed by of an agency with a charter to promote the American merchant marine, staffed by professional mariners with no military conditioning, and no law enforcement fantasies. An organization that employs experienced officers with real experience in the areas they oversee, inspectors who have actually worked on a ship or a platform, licensing folks who hold a license … sigh.[/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing!

But yea, do a search as there are several threads from late 2009 that deal with all of this. There is no set date for when the new changes will be implemented, but the best guess will be at the same time as the 2010 Manilla convention rules which will be the beginning of 2012

The Coast Guard was considering a Supplemental NPRM which to my knowledge has not come out yet.

So what I gather from all this is that nothing will change untill 2012. I have also heard the rumors, but they were just that. Rumors. I do want to get my 500 ton before anything changes so I figure it would be wise for me to start taking classes now. I think all classes have to be taken within a year and your application will also be submited one year from your first class or its no good. Is this true?

[QUOTE=Alster;48002]… I think all classes have to be taken within a year and your application will also be submited one year from your first class or its no good. Is this true?[/QUOTE]

The only courses limited to one year valifdity are those that substitute for a Coast Guard exam and a few others that the CFR say have to be taken within a year of application (First Aid/CPR, Fire fighting). Other courses are good for five years (e.g. radar, tankerman) by regulation. Most others, including most STCW courses like ARPA, BRM, and GMDSS have no time limit. Note that a few courses include both STCW and a Coast Guard exam approval, and the respective portions are limited differently. For example, Proficieny in Survival Craft courses are approved for both STCW, and the Coasty Guard exam for Lifeboatman. The exam portion ios limited to one year, the rest has no time limit.

I am taking a CMM class at MPT and they ( ) are talking about 1600 master going straight to CM ANY. +1 year of sea time = UM? There is a demand for unlimited officers. Is this shortcut for real?

[QUOTE=Cgaptain;48053]I am taking a CMM class at MPT and they ( ) are talking about 1600 master going straight to CM ANY. +1 year of sea time = UM? There is a demand for unlimited officers. Is this shortcut for real?[/QUOTE]

For sea service, yes(although I thought it was from 3M unl., not 1600); but you will still be required to take the STCW courses and test.

[QUOTE=Cgaptain;48053]I am taking a CMM class at MPT and they ( ) are talking about 1600 master going straight to CM ANY. +1 year of sea time = UM? There is a demand for unlimited officers. Is this shortcut for real?[/QUOTE]

Yeah its’s in the NPRM as well, but what is the shortcut? Tonnage requirements are the same, coursework requirements are the same. The only thing being skippped is 3/M & 2/M and a 1600 Master has been by definition an officer for at least two years so seatime and experience is the same. If they have not had master/mate seatime over 1600 tons then they would be issued a license with a tonnage restriction calculated from the formula given in CG Policy Letter 15/02. An unlimited/limited license if you will. So where is the shortcut?

This has been on the books for years. a little used loophole.

with a 1600 GT, one used to be able to get an INLAND unlimited master with seatime over 200 GT, then if you could find a job over 1600 tons, and get seatime you could get the license raised to oceans. But part of this license equality, streamlining has made a more rationale process.

I am trying to keep up with the changes. I understand where the tonnage limit would apply. I was wondering more about the STCW requirements for 3M, and CM. Seems like it will be a ton of classes, in addition to “tonnage” seatime.

Is this in a NVIC as a proposal? Is this going into effect this April, or 2012?

It’s in the NPRM that came out last fall. It has not gone into effect yet. It only allows you to skip the 3M and 2M licenses and go straight to C/M all STCW training and assessments still apply. The theory being that before you were a 1600 ton master you were first a 1600 ton mate and thus already meeting the OICNW T&A requirements for 3M and 2M.

jdcavo, thanks for the info. So I have my AB special already with life boat endorsement, and my STCW. Will I have to retake thoes courses again. Of course I took water survival, fire fighting, and first aid when I got my STCW for my AB. If alot of the courses are good for five years, I guess I should knock thoes out first. I want to start working on my 500 ton instead of getting my 100 ton, and have been told that is possible. Any questions or coments would be great. Thanks for your help. Also my best bet may be to just go to my REC center in Miami or just give them a call on the courses that are good for five years.

What tonnage vessels have you worked on? Inland, coastwise, ocean? Makes a difference! How much sea time do you have?

There is a big difference between sea time (both time and tonnage) required for a 100 ton, versus a 500/1600 tons.

There is also a big difference between subject matter on the exams too. The 100 tons is more like your AB exam. The 500/1600 is all the same stuff, just more in depth and detailed.

Whats your intention? Running big stuff, or small stuff? The 100 ton would be a snap, and you could go looking for a job almost next month or two! a 500/1600 will take a while.