Greta Thunberg's preach at WEF 2021

When and where has she specified which scientists to listen to?
Have you got any kind of believable source to refer to?

Did you listen just to one side in the conversation in the Maritime Communication??

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…that is the big rub with her; she is being used. Regardless of anyone’s opinion/research/data on climate change they should not like a, dare I say it, vulnerable, person used to push an agenda.


Perhaps she could start by debating real climate scientists who disagree with her. Or just going to school.

In fact we would all be better off in this topic if climate scientists and those many other disciplines affected by catastrophic anthropogenic global warming idiocy actually debated instead of preaching that the science is settled and banning/cancelling/belittling voices they disagree with.

That’s not how science works.

The doom goblin Greta would learn such basics if she actually went to school and studied science.

By the way, it’s really hot here today. We call it summer. Apparently it’s happened before.


Wow. I actually agree with you on something.

It has been a several years since I dove into this subject, but when I last checked, there was still a huge gap on the causality issue and the issue was “settled” by Barack Obama.

Now, everyone knows the greenhouse effects of CO2 and methane. That effect is certainly settled. But do we really know the magnitude of that effect? Do we really know that the gases entirely preceded the heat and that the inverse is not in fact true? And finally, temperature records on a global scale have only been kept for about 100 years. Nevermind the quality of that data. How hot are we on a relative historical scale?

How much is actually settled on causality? Nothing at all has been settled as far as a remedy is concerned. A “meaningful” reduction in CO2 is unlikely to carry the day. Mitigation and geoengineering hold the most promise, but lack a political villian.

I think it would be nice if we could make an earnest effort to separate what we know from what many choose to believe. I’m hopeful that real science will eventually prevail and not political science.


Here’s a primer from 2012.

I read the whole thing – for the second time I believe. It seems very reasonable and on an even keel and then this:

“How the climate would actually change now depended chiefly on what policies humanity would choose for its greenhouse gas emissions.”

Virtually out of the blue, the authors make this over-reaching conclusion. Completely skipping causality.

In the final analysis, if people are going to do something, I think efforts should concentrate on things that can work. On the other hand, a reduction in pollution can’t hurt.

Because a 14-year old girl with Aspergers could not possibly have her own convictions, right or wrong? Because all 14-year old girls are vacuous, spineless, unintelligent puppets? You must not have raised many 14-year old girls. :grinning:

I’ve never heard anything that GT has said, or read anything she’s wrote. But if she’s inhabiting this much real estate in this many old men’s minds, I’d say she’s pretty effective at communications, if nothing else.


at one point i thot i might have a insightful reply to this but i think the best course of action is to walk away … I didn’t watch the speech but I can quote President Ray-gun: “you don’t have to lift the lid off a garbage can to know what it smells like” ha ha ha

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Quite amazing isn’t it that so many grumpy old men have so much animosity towards a teenage girl that dare to speak up for her believes and challenge the high and mighty.

Yet you’ll are afraid to stand out with your name here.
You ask for her to prove that her beliefs are correct, yet offer no proof that yours are.

How is this possible? I call bulltish!

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Simple. I don’t watch TV/cable news, and I don’t waste my time reading “celebrity” comment on anything. I know who she is and approximate what she says based on the reaction of others to her, which is pretty easy to gauge.


I never heard any of her speeches or read any of her essays either. I do recall her being associated with a “How dare you” sales pitch or something like that. A cute “What you talking about Willis?” catch phrase of the 2000-teen years.


Precisely. Just another celebrity with a microphone they don’t deserve. I have some pretty strong opinions about the way brain surgery ought to be performed. Do you want to hear all about it?

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Regenerative agriculture is the geoengineering we need. :slight_smile:

You don’t really have good quality weather data until the 1980’s.

If alarmists are surprised we are in the midst of climate change, it’s because they think the Earth is a system that doesn’t change, yet there is nothing supporting the fact that climate doesn’t change. All we can do on this Earth is adapt and improve, especially when it comes to pollution.

As for listening to the scientists, the scientists in government organizations are the ones who advise the policymakers in agricultural practices (like how much cattle can be railroaded into feedlots and shipped across the world, or how much NPK is dumped on a field every year).
It’s unnerving to find laws supporting the ownership of tigers while outlawing the ownership of chickens.

The scientists are also the ones assisting with policies of use of plastics in food production, distribution and sale. The scientists are also the ones advising that denim jeans must have attached a whole book in multiple languages instead of a simple label with the instructions of care and where it was made.

There are so many scientists and studies that only come up with wasteful and pollution-inducing practices that the oversimplification merely aids scientists and lawmakers to come up with a bigger bunch of wasteful policies.

Right now there are adults her age (she’s 18 now) who go to school to earn the credentials they need to make the world better. There are people her age who are involved in a multitude of activities that address real world concerns and present real world results.

She can have whatever convictions she may want…but adults, who should know better, should not use her as a prop. They KNOW she is a good spokesman because anyone who questions her gets, “How can you pick on a child?”

My frustration is the adults who trot her out as a simple piece of performance art.

On that topic, why does John Kerry get a pass for using private jets to get around to climate change meetings? He told an Icelandic reporter, “People like me…” and then a string of b.s. about fighting to save the world. I call b.s; get your a$$ on a commercial flight and stfu about your self-righteous work.

(I do not like most people, and this is why)


Paraphrases are not placed in quotes. Your use of quotation marks means you are telling your readers that she actually spoke those words.

Your credibility is zilch. Find another site to troll.

Joan of Arc: European teenager with mental issues. Used by God, to promote His agenda (her words). Campaign: decrease toxic levels of Englishmen in France. Very successful. But politicians, corporate tools, and other old men grew frightened of her, and burned her at the stake. Sad, but predictable. :upside_down_face:

I didn’t realize till now that people on the right were so obsessed by her. I googled the question as to why that would be. Lot of interesting articles come up.

This is a good one.

Trump’s sneering attack came amid a torrent of often misogynist and ableist abuse hurled at Thunberg since the speech, with conservatives attacking her demeanor, her looks, her mental health (she has autism), and above all her autonomy, claiming she is “brainwashed” or a victim of child abuse. Several have compared her speeches to Nazi propaganda.

“She’s ignorant, maniacal and is being mercilessly manipulated by adult climate bedwetters funded by Putin,” ranted C-list climate denier Steve Milloy, somehow fitting all the mutually contradictory stereotypes about powerful women into his pea brain at once.

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