Greetings from Norway

Looking forward to early June when the roads get cleared:

Powder snow at Stradafjellet Ski Resort today:

Text: What a Day!!
It has snowed on-stop overnight. We got around 1 m. of fresh snow.
Open tomorrow from 10-15:00 hrs. Welcome to a new Powder Day…

After heavy snow fall it gets warmer again. Time to lighten the load on the roof:
195K views · 709 reactions | Snø på taket? Vi har en bedre løsning for å få fjernet snøen fra taket 😅 | By Idar Vollvik | Facebook

Note the attire of the person in the opening scene.

Not sure if this is in Norway, but this non-patented method of clearing the steps are VERY relevant here:

Then the nice cold weather with snow cover is over for this time:

Weather forecast for the rest of the day is mostly WARNINGS:

Source: Yr - Ålesund - Været time for time

Road building, Norwegian style:

The official Norwegian Public Roads Administration presentation:

Floating Tunnels and a disturbing abundance of wayward anchors in northern waters. hmm

Statens vegvesen says:

11000 kilometers in 21 hours = mean speed of 523 km/h !!!

Isn’t it rather 1100 km?
From the poles to the equator there are about 10000 km…


Oooops the illustrious Statens Vegvesen make a typo!!!
Even worse, they don’t catch the typo before publishing. Shame!!!
Can I quote your post in an e-mail to them?

PS> The various videos were rather repetitive,

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Yes, indeed!
(I will become famous in Norway…)

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King of Norway secret plan to expand the kingdom has accidentally been revealed.

The not so secret plan is to claim back the territories stolen from Norway by the Danes, incl. but not limited to Greenland:

The Orkney and Shetland that was used as a dowry by the Danish King in 1469 can be bought back from UK by paying the eqv. of 60,000 Rheingulden + interest:.

Source: 1469: A monumental change in Shetland's rule — Shetland With Laurie

PS> Norway can afford that by using a miniscule part of it’s Sovereign Wealth Fund.

DO You mean paying for Greenland. ?

Wow. That is a revelation. I am completely ignorant about your history and such historical claims.
Forgive me for my conspiracy mind kicking in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


1.if Seymour Hersh was right.
2.if Usa policy re Europe for 80 years was to :
keep the Germans down( on their knees)
keep the Russians out and Americans in
3. If Greenlanders are unhappy abt being Danish colony and still have a soft spot and warm feeling towards Norway
4. if the old rule" I will scratch your back if you scratch mine" is still valid
5. Danmark during the wwIi war acted " differently" then Norway re Germans

Then the proposition re Greenland to change hands due to some secret undercover deal starts to make sense and one may speculate it can turn out beneficial for your Kingdom.

Sounds crazy but You tell me why? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No, the Norwegians were there even before the Inuits so clearly rightly belong to Norway, not Denmark. (Or Trump)

PS> What about the present day Greenlanders have the last say so?
Like you say; “they still have a soft spot and warm feeling towards Norway”.

But maybe they like to be like Puerto Rico? Free paper towels for everyone:


Doesn’t do much good for the climate though, since Norway is a small GHG emitter, while the second largest emitter is withdrawing from world effort to limit GHG emission.

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The greenies here closed down our oil industry and would likely close yours down to if they could.

They would if they could. So far they have lost their case in the High Court:

They have not succeeded in stopping the latest allotment of exploration licenses:
APA 2024: 53 new production licenses awarded -

CHEERIO BYE BYE: Americans acknowledge that plastic cups from Kellogg’s, Lucky Charms and Cheerios on Norwegian beaches are their responsibility.
Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / NRK

Source: Amerikanarane innrømmer frukost-tabbe – NRK Vestland