We were recently equipped with a Furuno ECDIS 3300. Researched and purchased by corporate … leaving to us to figure out its operational nuances and adaptability to our particular operational parameters. I am of a traditional school of sailing and am not intuitively familiar with ECDIS. The transis that was used by the school I attended for the ECDIS Cert seemed rather user friendly. I am not finding Furuno’s version to be quite so. Any one out there have any helpful tips for navigating this system?
- makes the chart zoom in
- makes it zoom out
next question please…
Difficult to help without being able to show on the ECDIS. Furuno ECDIS 3300 is not the easiest ECDIS to learn, my only recommendation is to create your own user and save the settings you like. You must at least expect to invest 6-7 hours before you really begin to understand something of the layout of Furuno.
I take it your company provides equipment type specific training for master and all watch standing deck officers…
If not, their ass is hanging out.
My experience with the furuno ecdis is that it has many menus inside of menus. Do everything in the plan mode, I don’t use the User charts and pilot data overlays as I think it’s to much info on the screen. My best advice is to read the Manual as boring as it is. Are you needing specific help on a topic ?
To All those who have responded so far,
My thanks for your input, humorous or not.
I suppose there are two things that are causing us grief, one is trying to figure out how to get the unit to display the set and drift indicator line off the bow of the ship, as represented on the screen. I find this a very valuable feature, especially for entering/exiting small harbors with cross current. The other is being that we almost exclusively operate within restricted waters and cautionary areas, how do we acknowledge and clear all this so that our routes reflect safe transit? the Mate on board is intimately familiar with Transis, and he is struggling with this system.
Thanks again for your time and thoughts