Fishing boat videos

There are quite a few videos from Alaskan fishing vessel.
Here Alaskan Leader, blt 1992 (last refit 2006):

Another from the same company; the Norther Leader, blt. 2013:

Longline fisheries goes on all over the world.
Here from Greenland:

Pison KG 476 by Regin Torkilsson

Pison KG 476

Klaksvík - Faroe Islands

Name: Pison KG 476.
IMO number: 8610693.
Built by Molde Verft A/S , Norway in 1987 as #46.
Completed by Vágs Skipasmiðja, Faroe Islands in 1987 as #7.
Port of registry: Viðareiði.
Call sign: OW2132.
MMSI number: 231857000.
Former names: Nyvoll Senior M-128-G, Algan, Vársól TG 680 and Vestfart FD 650.
Registered owner: Miðdalsenni Sp/f, Viðareiði w/ Eyðstein Sørensen.
Register: Skipaupplýsingar

Coastal Transportation haul freight; they’re not a fishing company. Their vessels are “fishing vessels” because of The Rules.

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Yes I’m fully aware of what Costal Transport do and the rules that classify their vessels as “fishing vessels”, although the are actually freighters.

The title of the thread says “Working Boats” , which I take to including vessels that actually catch fish.
Here is another video about an American fishing vessel at work in Alaska:
A Factory trawler in this case:

Northern Eagle was built in 1967 at Trinity Beaumont Shipyard as container vessel Hawaiian Princess. Converted to a Factory trawler by Ulstein Hatlø in 1987:

Maybe a third thread showing fishing boats fishing would be good. Maybe call it “Videos of fishing boats fishing” ?

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I thought that fishing vessels qualified as “working boat”, but I may be wrong.

In any cases there are plenty of videos from fishing boats art work to chose from to fill this thread.

Missed the point by a mile (kilometer) as usual. Carry on.