Fire onboard container ship KMTC Hong Kong in Thailand today

Speculation is a possible lithium battery fire in a box. Reports are of 25 injured (unconfirmed)

MSC Flamina 12 years after. Liability issues.

Limitation of liability – lessons from the MSC Flaminia (

Conti were the shelve Owners but Owners under ISM code were those who assumed ISM responsibilities and that was NSB .

And their SMS was a JOKE it was a DISASTER it was an INSULT to the ISM code message/meaning and it fullfilled the prophecy of Lord Donaldson’s warning:
“… if anyone thinks that evolving a company and ship specific safety management system complying with the Code can be achieved by buying an " off the shelf” system, let them think again…"

NSB as far as I am concerned was an organisation , that operated on the very verge of criminality. NSB means:

I knew their SMS like the back of my hand and it was a total mess and “off the shelve” publication made by clowns that filled it with BS of gallactic proportion. I still have it on my drives. It also fits to Dr Phil Anderson DProf FNI description :

" SMS may be your friend but it also can be a last nail to your coffin" and surely theirs was not about ISM Mantra:
" we say/declare what we do
we do what we say/declare
we can verify/prove it via our records "

Capt Anderson was and still is an expert on ISM and an outhor of such publications like : “Cracking the Code” , “The Mariner’s/Masters’s role in collecting evidence in light of the ISM” . " ISM Code - a practical guide to the legal and insurance implications " and many others . So surely He is an authority on ISM worth reading.

According to Gard news articles and other publications on the issue , in shipping there are some organisations that , as far as ISM requirements are concerned , represent a " cover up" and " pathological " cultures , surely culture of SWAGGER fits them like a glove.

Such was NSB managing Flamina ( technical/crewing/ commercial) .

Have read the Bundesstelle für Seeunfalluntersuchung (BSU) investigation report and it is in my subjective opinion a ton of BS and a cover up story.

The first hints of Flamina disaster i vagualy remember started on gCaptain with the accounts of a pax travveling on Flamina . Strangely enough after initial enthusiasm in the internet all went suddenly quiet and earlier reports were removed or re-edited .