Ferry aground in Norway

On a Tuesday morning, the ferry between Volda and Lauvstad ran aground on approach to Lauvstad Ferry Wharf:

The ferry “Ørland” has run aground 300 meters north of Lauvstad ferry quay. PHOTO: MIKAEL MADSEN
The police have been on the scene and a case has been established said operations manager in the police, Jørgen Molnes.
– In the investigation we will seek information about whether those who were in the wheelhouse when this happened, were acting careless or not, he told Sunnmørsposten.
He added that the crew routinely blew alcometers, but it didn’t make a difference.
“There is no suspicion that the crew was intoxicated, either on alcohol or other drugs,” he said.
Molnes declined to speculate on the cause.

The ferry had a steady course all the way from Volda, without having taken the last turn before the ferry quay at Lauvstad, as this screenshot shows. SCREENSHOT MARINE TRAFFIC/

The ferry “Ørland” aground north of Lauvstad ferry quay. PHOTO: MIKAEL MADSEN

The twelve passengers were evacuated from M/F “Ørland” a couple of hours after the ferry run up in the rocks at Lauvstad. (the 4 crew members stayed on board):

Passengers on their way ashore. PHOTO: KJELL ARNE STEINSVIK.

M/F “Ørland” solidly aground, with Lauvstad ferry quay in the background. PHOTO: KJELL ARNE STEINSVIK

The ferry is double-ended, with a steerable thruster in each end. One of the trusters has been damaged and some hydraulic fluid has leaked:

Source: smp.no

From NRK/mr today:

The ferry was pulled off the ground around 19:40 p.m., said Lars Martin Lillerovde, who lives in the area:

The ferry was first towed to Lauvstad ferry wharf where they droped off the cars, explains Cathrine Gjertsen, communications manager at Norled.
“And then it’s towed to a shipyard to check the hull. We’re betting it’s there before midnight. It’s a slight damage to a propeller,” she said.

PS> The Ørland is now at Vegsund Shipyard:
SHIPYARD Vegsund Slip AS ( - LIVE MAP - ) (shiplocation.com)

This must be ferry month.