Fat Leonard is on the run

Im sure you are all aware of this guys antics. Well he cut off his house arrest monitor and is running around in San Diego.

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Doubt he is running, probably just waddling.


Lmao speedwalking at best

He is probably “waddling” around somewhere with no extradition treaty with the US.
No, not his country of birth, Malaysia, or his long time residence, Singapore.

PS> At least he will have familiar things around him when his belongings reach him:

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If you are right and he pulls this off. Its a serious feat of logistics. Ofc the US Marshalls will do everything they can do to stop it.

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he was in the logistics business


He has good friends in high places in the US Navy. Isn’t there a major US Navy base in San Diego?
U-Haul trucks aren’t used for long haul/overseas move. Could he be closer than you think?? :zipper_mouth_face:

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Maybe he has called in his private Marines and Gurkhas to help with the house moving?:

Source: US Navy Huckster Fat Leonard Gets A TV Show

Could this picture have been taken onboard my Father-in-Law’s old ship, the RAF Sir Lancelot?
(He was Captain of her back in the 1960s while managed by BI)

Later owned by by Fat Leonard as the Glenn Braveheart:

Seen here at Glenn Defence Marines’ base in Singapore 2006:

(Own picture)

PS> Maybe he get to play himself in the upcoming TV show?

Looked like he slimmed down in the photo I saw. But renal cancer will do that to you.

Wait, so a foreign national who pleaded guilty to bribing high government officials in one of the largest military bribery scandals in recent history was permitted to just hang out on house arrest pending sentencing? I gather he had some medical issues, but geez that still seems reckless!


Singapore media is reporting on the case:

He could have crossed the border into Mexico, and from there traveled anywhere else, if I was going to bet, I would say Cuba, but who knows.

I also say, Run Leonard Run, sung to the tune of Run Bambi Run

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Yes I presume the border is porous both ways and close by.
He may have been able to purchase a false passport and gone through the legal checkpoint (I don’t think he is able to climb the fence, or swim around it)

Here is the opinion of the local news service:

He also appeared in a podcast some time ago:

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Crossing from the U.S. into Mexico is easy, no passport would be required

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So it is a one-way boarder?
Or can you get back in without a passport too?

Why risk crossing a border? It’s San Diego, AKA Smuggler’s Row. Take an after midnight cruise to international waters, rendezvous with something, go somewhere. Slow escapes are often the most successful escapes.



Last time I walked across was from Brownsville Texas into Mexico in 2000. At that time all you needed was a quarter ($0.25) to put in the turnstile and walk across the bridge. Retuning back to the US you needed to show a birth certificate if you didn’t have a passport. Obviously the return got much more involved post-9/11. But I’d guess going in the Mexico direction is not much different today.

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Great June 2022 article from WAPO about a Mexican police squad that specializes in capturing American fugitives. (The article might be behind a pay wall). Here is an excerpt:

…Here in Baja California, there’s one small unit of state police — 10 men and two women — assigned to catch them. Officially, they’re the International Liaison Unit. But they’re known by another name: the Gringo Hunters.

Pursuing American fugitives in Mexico might seem like the punchline of an unwritten joke, a xenophobic stereotype inverted: Donald Trump’s “bad hombres” in reverse.

This is, after all, the Baja Peninsula, a dagger of land jutting into the Pacific, with deserted beaches and sprawling cities that nurture anonymity. Among its most popular tourism campaigns? “Escape to Baja.”

The unit now catches an average of 13 Americans a month. Since it was formed in 2002, it has apprehended more than 1,600. Many of those suspects were inspired by one of America’s oldest cliches: the troubled outlaw striding into a sepia-toned Mexico in the hope of disappearing forever.

…[Squad member] Ivan knows the stereotypes — all the ways life imitates art in Baja — because he apprehends versions of the same misguided fugitive every other day.

“We find them everywhere,” he said. “And almost always, they have no idea we’re looking for them. They think: ‘We’re in Mexico. We’re home free.’ ”

…Here’s an incomplete list of where Mexican officers have found American fugitives:

In beach resorts. Dangling from parasails. In remote mountain cabins. In fishing boats. At a nightclub called Papas & Beer. In drug rehabilitation centers. In trailer parks. Tending bars. In cars with prostitutes. In Carl’s Jr. parking lots.

Some were on crystal meth. Some had undergone plastic surgery and acquired new names they couldn’t pronounce. Some were found dead.

There were former Playboy models, Catholic priests, professional athletes, C-list celebrities, ex-Marines…

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Which is why he wouldn’t want to touch land in Mexico.

I find it hard to believe somebody with his background and resources would be unable to find a “friend” with an oceangoing yacht.

