Exxon Noble - Guyana Quarantine

Hey Chouest guys. Just heard a little info that you all going into quarntiene might like to hear.

A buddy in the office, no not Mr. Gary’s drivers, sister’s, best friend, but still office rumor, let me know that even though you will only get paid 22.2% of your day rate while in quarantine, Exxon is paying Chouest your full day rate. They’re using the difference to pay the mandated quarntiene pay and pocketing the difference.

Just letting you know the latest rumors.

Those of you that have gone through this, is it true you guys can’t even have a beer during lockdown? How’s the food?

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:rofl: of course the full day rate is paid.

chouest doesnt pay people not to work.

Bald eagle samitches for everyone… Rumor has it!

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Your think if the rigs were involved there would be steak, snow crab, and pizza. I can’t believe they wouldn’t let them have a beer or two. I mean they’re in a hotel right?

I’m not sure that being locked in a room all day doesn’t qualify as work. Don’t they do that to you in jail as punishment?:thinking:

So they are unemployed?

I never got beer or snow crab while in jail. Nor got paid.


if you work at chouest and your not on the boat your unemployed. these guys are getting 20% of their dayrate allegedly though so id say theyre still employed.

I assume that it’s technically still considered employed. I guess it’s better than sitting around here on the extras list waiting on a call. That sucks.

Oh well. Back to trolling.:rofl:

I guess I am a whore, will take 20% while waiting for the full time job ,probably better than unemployment in their particular state. Have no idea what these company’s pay or don’t pay now.

unemployment is $600 a week. If your master your probably making 750 a day. thats 1k a week if theyre paying 7 days a week at 20%. what about the AB deckhand. hes definitely coming in way under unemployment.

but for @Boater figure out how to spell quarantine and Noble Drilling.

He is talking about “Exxon Noble”, not Noble Drilling.
Never heard of Exxon Noble?

PS> None of them are likely to get a Nobel Prize of any kind though

My friend says Masters are making 675/day…
All in, no Vacation etc.
20% to sit in lock down in a shit hole Guyana hotel … NO WAY …
Just my ¢02

Don’t look too bad to me:

But maybe you are used to something better?

Chouest does not put their people up in 4 or 5 star hotels.
Exxon does , Choest doesn’t.

When has there ever been vacation at chouest? theyre only in lock down for 2 weeks and then on the boat making their dayrate. taking 20% for a couple weeks isnt a terrible deal, again chouest doesnt pay people not to work. Masters in guyana are making 675? that would mean masters in the GoM are making lower 600s. sounds low

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GOM and Guyana are paying the same.
This is not speculation, I am friends with several long time Captains that work in both places.
And it’s absolutely bullshit when XOM is paying the full day rate to Chouest.
I made the vacation comment for those who are not familiar with private companies vs union contracts.

ah okay. I thought it was standard to pay some sort of extra $$$ for working in guyana or africa. $675 in the GoM doesnt sound so bad

and i agree. The least they could do is pay 50% or maybe 75%.

Many years ago when I worked for them they paid extra to work out of the country.
That all stopped in 2014 when oil tanked.
My friends went from making $975/ day to $675 over a period of several months.
The unlimited guys made more and dropped less but there aren’t a lot of them at ECO.

just got out of the Sheraton in Houston after a 15 day sentence. it was run by Noble, but the real guys in charge were the medical company they hired, forget their name. the worst part by far was the jail style food served in the room 3 times a day. powdered eggs and white rice one morning… no delivery food allowed, 3 45 min breaks outside to walk the yard a day. like jail, but with a nice bed and wifi, . lots of ECO and few other companies guys bitching about 22 or 25% pay while in there. my local Guyanese crew stayed at the Marriot in georgetown and loved it, fresh food and a choice of what they wanted… hope this isnt the way forward for the rest of the year… pretty boring, but better than no job, i wouldnt do it for any reduced day rate though, my company knows better than to treat us like that anyway… i heard there were a few differant companies running quarantine programs but there are not many flights going to guyana these days. glad to back on my boat for a few months…

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