Hey guys.
Was doing some Googling and came across this website, which seems to be exactly the type of forum I’ve been looking for, so I figured why not register and pop you guys my questions and see what I find out.
I just recently got out of the Army, did four years in (11B, Infantryman), and while I was preparing to get out and trying to rush to figure out what I wanted to do with my life all in a hurry, I found out about the merchant seaman’s profession.
Immediately fell in love with the idea, I mean, I can work my way up from the bottom like a man, work with my hands, the long stretches away from home wouldn’t bother me, just like a deployment except the money is better and your not getting shot at, and I love the ocean, always have.
I remember growing up here in Charleston watching the big container ships come in like big floating monsters, and the idea that I could work on one of those blows me away.
That said, actually finding my way to finding my way to getting on one of those ships is proving to be a bit harder than I thought.
I’ve been digging for information on where to go, what I need to do, etc, and have just come out confused.
Gotta get certification card “A” then go get background security check “B” before going to get something else and something else and so on…
…and I’m just…well…confused.
I figured I’d take the direct, Infantry-approach to it yesterday and just walk on down to the docks and ask somebody, but when I went downtown to where a big green and white ship was parked, I couldn’t even get close to it, it was all fenced off, and while walking around the fence to find the gate a cop pulled up and told me I wasn’t allowed there, and I didn’t feel like trying to explain to him what I was looking for so I just split.
So anyway, I guess my question is, what do I need to do to get started to do what you guys do?
It cant be impossible, because, well, you guys do it.
Much appreciate any help.