[B]This just in from DNV:[/B]
New requirements from the Turkish Authorities to use low sulphur fuel oils in Turkish ports and waters entered into force on 1 January 2012. The Turkish requirements are much in line with those which already apply in EU ports and waters. We are seeing an increase in requests for clarifications of these requirements. This newsletter provides some of the latest information DNV has received so far.
In the Circular No. 647/2011 published by the Istanbul & Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions Chamber of Shipping, the requirements were summed up with additional clarifications:
“… marine fuels with sulfur content higher than 0.1% by mass shall not be used after 1 January 2012 in internal water1 crafts and berthed ships2 in the maritime domains in Turkey”
“Ships passing the Turkish Straits without calling to Turkish Ports shall not be subject to the rule of using marine fuels with sulfur content not exceeding 0.1% by mass, as long as they proceed without calling to any Turkish Port”
“Ships with Turkish flag in SOx Emission Control Areas specified in the Regulation shall not use marine fuels with sulfur content higher than 1.5%; however, there are no SOx Emission Control Areas in Turkey for the time being”
“All Passenger Boats sailing on regular voyages under the maritime line authorization of the Shipping Administration shall be required to use marine fuels with sulfur content not exceeding 1.5% on and after 1 January 2012”
“Inspections regarding the said regulations shall be made by the Shipping Administration and in the event of any non-conformity, the related provisions of the Environment Law 2872 shall apply”
We advise managers who operate in Turkish waters to contact the Turkish Authorities if further clarifications are necessary.
(1) “Internal water” covers “natural and artificial lakes, dam lakes, fisheries and rivers”.
(2) “Berthed ships” are defined as “ships safely moored or anchored within the boundaries of a port during loading, discharging or accommodation activities or during periods of time spent without any cargo operations”.