Not sure if such thread will spark attention but at least I will give it a try.
DNV_Energy_Transition_Outlook_Executive_summary_2022_compressed.pdf (
Full report is here:DNV_ETO_main_report_2022_1112022.pdf - Google Drive
Not sure if such thread will spark attention but at least I will give it a try.
DNV_Energy_Transition_Outlook_Executive_summary_2022_compressed.pdf (
Full report is here:DNV_ETO_main_report_2022_1112022.pdf - Google Drive
DNV has launched new guidelines for Onboard Carbon capture Systems on board ships:
DNV`s guidelines were published in September and can be accessed here.
Source: DNV has launched new guidelines for Onboard Carbon capture Systems on board ships
More “paperwork” required on arrival in Europe:
May not affect ship’s Master and crew, though.
Question for you Spowiednick - on the large container ships you sailed on with beams closer to 48 meters, did you have to carry any ballast during normal service?
Thanks buddy … so really not much difference from the 1st gen post panamax vessels (40 m beam). Fortunately in my experience we had sufficient cargo both ways and minimal to zero ballast.
Far cry from the narrow bodies … always carrying 3-4k ballast in the DBs. Slow death of the tanks.
PS: Lower aft peak tank was locked in treated fresh water.
PPS: No SW ballast on the moored FPSOs.