Deck vs Stew Vs Engine

seems to me on the SIU dispatch report there are many Stewards and few jobs- in this choice, economics and likelihood of working is the only factor for me- btw Salty Sailor, what dept did you accept?

[QUOTE=Skoidat69;56043]I went to Piney Point and it was a great experience minus some BS but you’ll get that any where. I went deck got my ABs and later a degree and a license. I have 4 classmates that worked their way up to being licensed officers, 2 engineers and 2 mates. You will get out of it what you put into it! Work hard and move up OR be a slapdick and life long AB/QMED[/QUOTE]

Most life long AB/QMEDs are not slapdicks.

[QUOTE=New3M;47033]I’m gonna have to call you on that one - I know ABs who are getting their vacations cut short because the companies need people.[/QUOTE]

Yep sounds like someone who just ran out of Obamacare and is trying to find a job

[QUOTE=Horatio;56894]seems to me on the SIU dispatch report there are many Stewards and few jobs- in this choice, economics and likelihood of working is the only factor for me- btw Salty Sailor, what dept did you accept?

I have to make my choice in Jan when I go back to Piney Point…

Remember use THEM for as much as they use you… Get all you can out of the union