Deck Deptartment Vs. The Engine Department..... Union Vs. Non-Union ? Help!

Ok, Love the site and been reading posts for years :smiley: Now I need experienced opinions.

I have a AB Unlimited rating, with STCW95, Lifeboatman, Mate to master, Maritime Consortium member.

I am trying to get a job in the Maritime Industry, I don’t care where…? I have been chartering boats here in Florida for several years. No commercial experience.
I have friends in the SIU and they all are telling me I need to go to the Harry Lundeburg School of Seamanship. Do the 1 year of schooling and training and then get
out in the MSC Fleet with them. They said they could arrange it… if you know what I mean !!! They have been in the SIU over 20 years.
Once out there money would not be an issue, and I could work out there long enough to get whatever tonnage / rating I was looking for ?
I am already in the deck department, should I stay here and go for my 3 Mates ticket ? or Change up and go for my 3rd AE Licsense ?
I really want to be in the wheel house, and do not like engines or working on machines. I could if it would be super beneficial, but generally not me.

I have heard from Week’s Marine, Wed. this week. 8/14/2013
I am taking all the testing today, and waiting for a official offer ?
What should I expect ? and what should I accept ? I applied for an AB position.

Should I go to the SIU School and do what my friends have told me to do ? or Keep doing everything on my own ?
There is a lot schooling to do to get my 3rd Mates ticket. Union Vs. Independent way ?
All feedback is welcome.
Thank you, and Calm Sea’s

Click this link and Type in Union in the search bar. Limit the search to titles only and viola all the info you need.

That link goes nowhere…

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

Should not have to answer your deck vs engine question. You said you like the wheel house and don’t like engines or working on machines? Why would you even consider a job in the ER? I would not want you in my ER if you don’t want to be there, so there is no benefit in you going engine.

This is true. It’s one thing to pull someone’s weight when they are green, and another when someone just plain doesn’t want to be there.

I was told that the Engine Department is a better career option ? Opportunity and pay ?
That is the only reason I ask. If it is 3 times the pay, I might consider it ?
But I am asking for advice, and opinion’s.
I believe all advice is valuable.
Kind of, if I would have known - I might have done thing.

You won’t make any more money in the engine room at sea “for the most part” as there are always exceptions. The pay is “normally” equal to the equivalent deck/engine give or take a few bucks here and there. There are however typically/historically more “options” ASHORE once you have years of engineering experience as a licensed assistant or chief engineer. Lately engineers have been in high demand especially with a strong juice background but you already answered, you want to be in the wheelhouse so go that route.

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[QUOTE=floridadiveguy;117620]I have a AB Unlimited rating, with STCW95, Lifeboatman,

I have friends in the SIU and they all are telling me I need to go to the Harry Lundeburg School of Seamanship. Do the 1 year of schooling and training and then get
out in the MSC Fleet with them. They said they could arrange it… if you know what I mean !!! [/QUOTE]

I’m confused, why would you need a year of schooling if you’re already an AB? MSC is always hiring AB’s, if you have a pulse it’s pretty much a sure thing… if a license is your goal then MSC would be well worth considering. Probably one of the fastest ways to build sea time and they are generous with the training. Lots of downsides too, but that is well documented on this site.

I do not have my RFPNW.
With out that no one will hire me. They keep asking why I don’t have it ? LOL… I have never been on a commercial ship, that’s why ! Duuhh :frowning:
I have gone to MSC fairs and recruiters. They said go in the Steward Dept. and try to transfer once I was hired.
Trying to get into MSC on my own has been all but impossible. They are always hiring Engine Dept positions… That is why I asked above…
Going to the SIU school would give me over 210 days of water time and I would get my RFPNW upon graduation. Then I could get into MSC, through the SIU.
Then I could go to there schools for my 3rd mate schooling, here in Florida at the STAR Center.
Just thinking.

Deck versus engine room. Hmmm. I cherish the guys downstairs. I really do. I just couldn’t deal with all my clothes having to sit in the garage because my wife couldn’t stand the smell of diesel.

First of all. how do you have an “AB Unlimited” if you’ve “never been on a commercial ship”? If you have any kind of rating, you CANNOT attend the SIU apprenticeship program. This includes AB. The program is targeted towards people with little experience. I stated this in another post, and verified it with them directly. Why didn’t you call their admissions office before spending time getting your hopes up? They are easy to reach.

You wrote: “LOL… I have never been on a commercial ship, that’s why ! Duuhh” …well, guess what, you don’t need to be on a “commercial” vessel to get your RFPNW. It has nothing to do with commerce.

[QUOTE=MariaW;117641]First of all. how do you have an “AB Unlimited” if you’ve “never been on a commercial ship”? Do you know what “Unlimited” means? You need sea time on very large displacement ships, most of which are commercial. Do you actually have a little orange book that says “AB Unlimited” issued by the Coast Guard, or are you just saying that because you think you can get one?

If you have any kind of rating, you CANNOT attend the SIU apprenticeship program. This includes AB. The program is targeted towards people with little experience. I stated this in another post, and verified it with them directly. Why didn’t you call their admissions office before spending time getting your hopes up? They are easy to reach.

What kind of AB do you REALLY have?[/QUOTE]

AB unlimited doesn’t have a tonnage requirement. AB limited does however.

I got my time for unlimited third mate working for as AB for NOAA . Not high paying or high status but from there to MSC, first as an
AB then as 3/M till I got a second mate ticket then commercial deep-sea to C/M and unlimited master.

[QUOTE=justaboatdriver;117642]AB unlimited doesn’t have a tonnage requirement. AB limited does however.[/QUOTE]

You are correct. I’m sorry floridadiveguy. Shame on me! It makes no sense, but there it is. Apparently AB Unlimited without RFPNW is useless, but how do you get the RFPNW if you’ve gained your AB Unlimited by sailing your 30 ft boat for three years?

Ratings Forming Part of a Navigation Watch (RFPNW)
Note: 50% of required service must be on vessels at least 200 GRT / 500 GT.

180 days of approved seagoing service associated with navigational watchkeeping functions and
involve the performance of duties carried out under the direct supervision of the master, OICNW or
[B][I]An approved course, plus approved seagoing service specified by the course/program[/I][/B]; AND
Assessments 1-1A through 3 -2A;
Note: must be signed by 2nd Mate or higher (Master 500/1600 – OK) employed on the vessel &
holding an appropriate STCW; also, all steering & helm assessments occurred on a vessel of at
least 100GRT or a full mission simulator of at least 200 GRT / 500 GT.

No matches for a term in a forum search. I hope you tried some different terms, got some results, and did some reading.

Or was it easier to just report back here that the link goes nowhere …

[QUOTE=z-drive;117652]Ratings Forming Part of a Navigation Watch (RFPNW)
Note: 50% of required service must be on vessels at least 200 GRT / 500 GT.

180 days of approved seagoing service associated with navigational watchkeeping functions and
involve the performance of duties carried out under the direct supervision of the master, OICNW or
[B][I]An approved course, plus approved seagoing service specified by the course/program[/I][/B]; AND
Assessments 1-1A through 3 -2A;
Note: must be signed by 2nd Mate or higher (Master 500/1600 – OK) employed on the vessel &
holding an appropriate STCW; also, all steering & helm assessments occurred on a vessel of at
least 100GRT or a full mission simulator of at least 200 GRT / 500 GT.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but the point is, can you get a JOB on one of the vessels that will give you RFPNW as an AB without RFPNW?

Yes you need to find a job as an OS most likely. If you can’t at MSC the whoopdy-Doo do what normal people do and find an alternative. Or open your checkbook and go take a RFPNW class.

[QUOTE=z-drive;117660]Yes you need to find a job as an OS most likely. If you can’t at MSC the whoopdy-Doo do what normal people do and find an alternative. Or open your checkbook and go take a RFPNW class.[/QUOTE]

Well, this wasn’t my thread, but since you mention it, you can’t just take a “class” to get RFPNW. That was the point of the OP. Can you get RFPNW training onboard a ship if you’re just an OS?

You’re missing the point. You get a job as OS although since you have the AB you use the time to get your RFPNW assessments and seatime.