Debunking Dr.Sal video clips

Do not rush it up.We have time and pls note i am familiar with such techniques like yours - meaning You try to deflect and ride off on a side issues. Do not , I repeat, do not try it with me.

crackpot conspiracy theorists are DEBUNKED not vice versa i suppose.

Dr Sal is not a crackpot conspiracy theorist and it is nothing wrong to debunk his statements. If You are concerned with my use of “debunk” in relation to Dr.Sal pls substitute it with


So not to hurt your feelings lets stick to FACT CHECKING . How about that??

By the way it is not the first time i debunked Dr Sal on this forum .

Remember Ever Forward and his CRAZY !!! COMPLETELY UNPROFESSIONAL hype building comments that the vessel may capsize when pulled off from the grounding site???

Where were You then ??? to defend him.

Did not see You when i took a simple calculator , piece of paper, made a drawing as accurate as possible and with simple geometry and calculations from 6th grade elementary school had demonstrated he is spreading a complete NONSENSE on this forum.

Soon afterwards i removed my comment as it would damage his REP and make him look ridiculous. Did not see your “likes” then , did not hear Your outrage.


Good on ya mate! I am already on record to say that I believe Sal Mercogliano to be full of heated wind. his having a doctoral degree means nothing and one should only consider his experience (or in this case, his lack thereof). He is a self important stuffed shirt who believes he knows what he talks about, but instead needs to be summarily ignored.


Good day Mate :joy:

Thx for Your support. But I am at my best when attacked from all points of the compass .My kind of environment .It makes You sharp and focused. :wink:

Regarding degrees let me quote a Person who is the author of the foloowing books :

  • Margin of Victory
  • Warrior’s Rage
  • Transformation Under Fire
  • Breaking the Phalanx
  • The Soviet-East German Military Alliance.

In my subjective opinion a great American Patriot and WARIOR.

He commented on DEGREES as follows:
Degrees ??? Thermometers have them and You know where we all stick them into…
end quote

U like conspiracy theories ??? Then I have one for You here regarding Baltimore bridge - seems not too far off our topic :wink:

What’s The Real Cause Of The Baltimore Bridge Disaster? (


There’s a saying that applies here " “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good”

Are Sal’s videos perfect? No they are not. A specialist in specific fields can find errors. Are they good? I think so. Most people in the general public seeking more information would benefit from watching them.

I’ve found some of Sal’s videos to be useful.


Sir .
There are many of my recent comments, which can be perceived as very positive regarding Dr.Sal , even ADULATORY .

You surely as Supermoderator can locate and find them. Therefore one must expect I had some other reason for ,if not “debunking " as it seems to have offensive meaning , then for " fact checking” .

It is acceptable by public method . Look at FB - I can not open my mouth and say a word w/o being FACT CHECKED .

But pls be so kind and have some patience as You will get my arguments in my reply to Alias Li_Domer .

I promise I will do it and if NOT , then be so kind and kick me out from this community and ban from gCaptain FOREVER !!.

Thank You Sir in advance.

By all means, continue on your quest to debunk Sal’s videos.

The term ‘debunking’ is not the least bit offensive. I do wonder if you understand the word’s meaning.


ahhhhhhh You are picking on me :wink: .

I said it "seems to have offensive meaning " as it was pointed out by LI-Domer so i understood He did not like me using such term as too strong in application to Dr Sal.

I understood i should be more delicate . As You see I can be very accomodating :wink: applying fact checkin instead.

Do You?
I see You are shifting your CHARM into 3rd gear . My knees are shaking already imagining your 5th gear :wink:

Surprise !!! ?? :joy:

I doooooo!!! :joy: Gotcha !!!

I need to remember the pigeons and chess parable more often. Unfortunately I’m sometimes like moth to a flame. I’m not gonna sit hear and argue with some crazy retiree. It’s not worth my time. My energy is better spent elsewhere. So is yours, but do whatever makes you happy.


I can see why Spowiednick took exception to this video. I watched the video and I too think such a glib presentation deserves to be called out. IMDG code is very complex … doubt if anybody within the IMDG division of IMO will have a full and comprehensive knowledge of the entire code. Aside from this on the video, stuff like all ‘empties are stowed forward’ and later in the video when he talks about revised ships design life and reasons thereof are also to be dismissed. Very similar to many of the ‘personalities/influencers’ on YouTube
The way I see it, at least he is not putting anyone in harms way. And no one call him ‘tardy’ … love his Hawaiian shirts!
PS: His video on the overlay of the track from AIS and the CCTV was quite useful.

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I’m still at a loss as to why he hasn’t just contacted Sal to bring up his exceptions to the video instead of being pedantic on here.


Why this particular talking head.
None of the talking heads actually have any clue what happened let alone why.
There are all just guessing and or pontificating as is everyone posting on any forum from their arm chair.
Which is what talking heads do.
Plains, Trains, Automobiles, Ships or pretty much any other subject the News Networks need a comment on and the official commentators are saying its still to early to comment.



Dr Sal is to maritime operations as Dr Jill is to Education.

I have watched a bunch of Sal’s videos for a while and he sometimes gets a bit loose with his facts in that he will state something that is a best practice as if it is a regulatory requirement just as in this case.

A “point of order” is probably more appropriate than a “debunking”.


Is that so?
As far as I am concerned You are a loss .
To be precise You are CTL if You know what that means .

Another assuming member of this quacko-think tank .

Wow!!! is it a complement?? I do not think so. But time to learn kiddo that " the devil is in the details"

Wonder when some utterly ignorant , and arrogant rednecks here will start appologizing ??

I doubt it, as the word appology is not in their vocabulary , if they have any vocabulary at all and me thinking , they may have, is a complement for Kingrats .
Have You heard about King Rat kiddo ??

Below i have something for You kiddo with a piece of advise: " before you flex your muscle , make sure you have one as you may die before uttering your last battle cry. "

Finally some controversy! About those “Hawaiian” shirts. This is where Sal really needs to be taken to task. They are not Hawaiian shirts. A true Hawaiian shirt has a pocket with the pattern of the pocket perfectly aligning with the background part of the shirt. Sal must get his shirts at the Dollar Store or something, because the pockets don’t line up with the pattern of the shirt. As someone who wears Hawaiian shirts almost every day and has a closet with over 85 of them, seeing him in a shirt with pockets that don’t line up is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Let’s focus on important things like this and not whether or not he knows ships.


:joy: :rofl: :joy:

Jeeeeez!!! and some in this thread dare to call me " pedantic" while the mother of all "pedants " has just spoken and revealed himself.

That’s funny … :slight_smile:

OMG, you are correct! Just checked the few Cooke street (Costco variety) and the one Reyn Spooner shirt I have and they line up perfectly! Had the shirts for more than 20 years … well, you learn something everyday!

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who are you to be claiming authority on what is or is not an authentic Hawaiian shirt - simply possessing 85, nor some compulsion to continually have one on your back - is not prima facie proof you are the ultimate authority.

In a spirit of charity why can’t we believe there is room in the world for pocket matching and pocket not matching Hawaiian shirts.

Maybe time for you to get off that high horse and join the rest of us Hawaiian shirt aficionados :smile: