
I do not like how agencies cut some of the crew’s wages in the name of commission. What are the other options that I can find non-European, non-American crew? (Budget thing) Websites usually work for European personnels.

Non European and Non U.S.?

Don’t, just don’t

It’s not my decision. The company I work at works this way. What’s wrong with them though, I myself am not American nor European :slight_smile:

To ask a question like that on a predominantly US/European chat board is not a great idea.

However, you are at least honest about why you don’t want western sailors…$$$. How about giving some details as to how much money your bosses will save? Sticking your nose in here and asking how we can help you cut our throats, it seems like we should get some information, at least!


What do I have to do with that comment? What power do I have as a regular office worker? Try to change the system first, rather than finding peace at replying like this. But it’s too hard. Right?

Sounds like you are looking for Indian officers and Filipino crew.

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The high commission is only 1 of the problems. Nepotism & cronyism is just as bad imo. More than a few times I seen the straw boss, the seaman with highest ranking family member at the hiring agency take advantage of the non-family connected mariners on board. And for whatever reason, when it’s time to down-size or go idle, the agency wants to keep the good for nothing family connected mariners on board & send the real workers home. I don’t blame you & you’re employer for wanting to cut out the agency but depending on what nationalities you’re aiming for you might have some problems. In some countries it’s their agency that lines up the annual physicals, seaman books & renewals, departure/travel letters & logistics. Unfortunately, some awesome guys I worked with did not have the knowledge, culture or finances to do any of this stuff on their own. So cutting out the agency will probably mean a lot more paperwork & babysitting on your end. I wouldn’t even know where to start to file for a mariners visa for a Philippino or Indonesian to get to the US or EU. The paperwork would need to come from the departing & arrival countries.

Concerning were to find them. Start networking with former employees you had. Get on their Facebook page. Maybe try to poach from other vessels, but not directly ship-ship, offer them jobs for their next contract. Maybe instead of poaching from other vessels, ask other mariners if they have friends, former coworkers or family ashore looking for a direct hire contract? Good Luck.


Thanks dear. I am already doing those; except Facebook.

Facebook Messenger & Facebook group chats are how the Phils I work with stay in touch with one another. The Americans & those from Central & South America use WhatsApp from what I can tell.

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Is your recruting agency MLC certified ?


Looks like you scared the Lady with this weird nickname

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