Crew Immigration Enforcement

Is anyone encountering raids by ICE?

Is anyone having crewmen (foreign source legal residents, or work visa holders, or illegals) not show up for work due to fear of ICE raids?

I don’t work stateside so no rumors to spread about ice boarding vessels. But my wife & I are very active in our Hispanic community, speak Spanish at home & usually attend the Spanish mass once every couple of months. Most of her friends are Hispanic immigrants. I can tell by my local 24 Hour arrest page that the number of Hispanics being arrested for DUI has drastically declined. Not a one this weekend when it has normally been a dozen or more for several years. Also, from my wife’s rumor mill, immigrants with previous arrests are being ostracized because moms & the law abiding undocumented immigrates who actually came here for a better life & not just to sow their wild oats don’t want to be swept up in warrant arrests. No undocumented immigrates that we are friends with are happy with the new immigration policy but several have mentioned a sexual preditor, child molester or drunk driver from the old country that needs to be sent back. My wife is a legal immigrant to the US & we both know a few of dirtbags who should be sent back at best.


Every time a ship enters the U.S. from a foreign nation the ship and crew must clear ICE.

Crew members on U.S. Flag ships must have credentials issued by the USCG, so they’ve all been throughly vetted.

The ICE raids will have the largest effect on agriculture, construction, and the service industry.


On domestic Jones Act vessels under 100 GRT, which includes most passenger vessels, fishing charter vessels, and many tugs up to about 120’ and 6000hp, no MMC is required, except for the Master and Mate.

The deckhands and engineer are not required to have an MMC, or be US citizens. They are supposed to have Greencards, but . . .

US fishing vessels up to 200 GRT do not require any licenses or certificates. Only the Master must be a US citizen.

US fishing vessels over 200 GRT (many with over 100 crewmen) are required to have licensed US citizen Masters, Mates and Engineers. However, no certificate or citizenship required of the rest of the crew. It’s typical for many, if not most, of the crew on some vessels to be Greencard holders, but . . .

The number of Mariner employed on tugs and fishing vessels is at least 20 times as many as the approximately 3000 Mariners employed on foreign going US flag ships.

There are at least 30 million illegal aliens in the US that have no right work in the US, yet most of them are employed illegally by American businesses, and very little has ever been done about it.

If you are correct, then what do you think the effect of removing 30 million workers from the U.S. economy will be?

Not to mention the proverbial Butcher, tailor, and candlestick makers?

I think it’s completely impossible to deport even 5 million people, much less 30 million, and not at all desirable.

It would result in a much tighter labor market, especially at the lower end, and cause wage increases for American workers, but the cost of goods and services would rise accordingly.

It would also force more production out of the US to places where labor is more available and cheaper.

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So why do you support a President qho wants to that?

It’s very easy to make sure the people you’re hiring are authorized to work in the U.S… I’ve done it myself. And we also use E-verify.

Only once in 30 years did one guy slip through the cracks, and only because all his docs were in perfect order, and passed E-Verify He stole someone’s identity 20 years earlier by stealing all the paper copies of victim’s ID, pay info, W-2s etc. while the victim himself was in prison. But even then the perpetrator was eventually found out. It’s quite a story.

But my point is, when employers hire illegals they know what they are doing 99.9% of the time. And given that employment is the main attractant for illegals, I’ve long since believed that the best way to reduce the amount of illegals crossing the Border is to simply arrest CEOs/business owners if their company hire illegals. Because then the hiring of illegals would stop, and the main attraction for illegals would go away. Illegals would still cross the Border, but far fewer.

If the first time penalty for Jamie Dimond was 48 hours in jail because an HR supervisor in one of his far flung American businesses hired an illegal maid, I guarantee you Jamie Dimond would ensure that every employee in every business he owned would be thoroughly vetted.

Similarly, if a dry-land farmer in Texas was arrested for hiring illegal farm labor, the same thing would happen. He wouldn’t use illegals. Certainly, arrest and deport the illegal, but arrest the farmer too because he is providing a source of attraction for illegals.

Second offense, a week in jail. Third, offense 90 days. But really, after the first offense no one is going to re-offend.

That being said, I think we’re going to find that except for ICE raids on farms in the Blue states, illegal farm labor is going to be left alone, because farmers in Red states are CJ’s supporters. He’s not going to let them take a big financial hit. He’ll have ICE make raids in cities everywhere, because cities tend not to support CJ politically, and so they must be made to look bad to keep his base outraged.

(BTW: I have no problem with deportations. Obama deported more illegals than any other president, hands down. CJ’s deportations will be carefully targeted to make Blue states look bad, while causing the least amount of financial disruption to Red states. )


I’m not a Trump or a Biden/Harris supporter.

But the people have spoken and Trump is the president we have now.

The extremely bad left wing policies of Senile Joe Biden’s 20-something puppeteers, and the fear of another 4-8 years of radical left wing Harris policies, is what created the second Trump Presidency. He is simply the lessor of two evils.

The Tech Bros decided that it was in their best interests to get behind Trump and help him to be successful. I think they are probably right.

It’s probably in our best interest to wish him success rather than failure.

Success at what?
Does it bother you that a bunch of 18-24 year old kids have all of your personal information?

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This is 100% true. It is near impossible to move 30 million people, much less 5 million. It’s extremely hard to move 5 million military personnel who are paid & trained to move when ordered. Anyone who hopes for or fears the removal of 5 million people from the US are delusional. But we can prevent them from coming in such large numbers & we could have deported Jose Antonio Ibbara before he murdered Laken Riley. But this is what Trump opponents are fighting against & is why they lost so badly last November imo. The left don’t know which battels to fight. Even illegal immigrants don’t wantt those like Jose Antonio Ibbara here. If the leftist in NYC would have deported Ibbara in NY the first time he was arrested instead of giving him a free, no strings attached airline ticket to Georgia it’s possible Harris would have gotten more votes imo. Trumps loves it when the libs fights him on common sense stuff like immigration. They throw their brains out the windows because they think it spites Trump when it only helps him. The more they defended Bidens diminished mental capacity the better it was for Trump because the American public could see the truth. Trump is better at politicking than the modern day Democrats imo.


The US Department of Homeland Security has estimated there were 11 million illegal migrants living in the US as of January 2022.


Trump won by 1.5% of the vote
And Trump has indeed called for mass deportations of all illegal immigrants.

He will fail at that, but the chaos the attempt will be massive.

But hey, keep tilting at your strawmen, it’s amusing to watch

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There won’t be much meaningful reduction in illegal immigration until they start locking up the employers. It was not until 1986, when Congress with President Reagan enacted the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), that employers were prohibited from hiring noncitizens lacking work authorization. Up to that time, to be sure, it had been a felony to harbor illegal aliens. But at the insistence of agricultural interests, the so-called Texas Proviso stipulated that employing illegals was not to be construed as harboring them. So those who insist on upholding “the rule of law” would do well to consider how immigration law has evolved and changed.
The laws need to be changed and staffing increased at the visa offices to process visas in a timely manner. There was a good bipartisan bill ready to go into law as it had passed the Senate until Trump had it stopped even though he had not been elected yet…
I’ll believe ICE is serious when they start raiding Hilton, Marriot and Sheraton hotels as well as the meat packing plants and prosecuting them for knowingly hiring illegal workers. Raid the high end restaurants in DC, NYC and Palm Beach while they are at it. But we all know that won’t happen because that would affect the people that matter, the bribe payers.


These are valid points
How soon do you expect to see any of this happen?

I don’t.

It bothers me that the ‘effing government has all my personal info.

It bothers me that a lot of my personal info has already been hacked.

It bothers me that the Xhinese, Iranians, North Koreans, Russians and others will inevitably hack , if the haven’t already, government data to get my info.

11 million is complete incompetent government miscount, intentional propaganda to understate the problem. Those government estimates are off by a million miles.

Various other groups have come up with estimates as high as 50 million.

The truth is nobody knows. They were not all caught and counted. We don’t know who they all are or where they are.

30 million illegal aliens is as good an estimate as any, and seems much more plausible to me.

I just wish these hackers would go into my bank and “pay off” my $300k mortgage instead of stealing my $3000. Seems better to stick it to the 1%-er at the bank than me.

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Here’s a few more to be bothered about too. They also have all your information.