I’ve always found conspiracy theories interesting but have never gone full “Mel Gibson” over them. Of course, the California fire stories have taken a life on their own. I don’t know if anyone follows the Appalachian Mountains, Hurricane debacle or not but this is what we see on social media. The federal government used a “weather machine” (possibly cloud seeding" to possibly intensify the hurricane. When you see a jet leaving a contrail, that’s a “chemtrail”. They wanted to flood out the mountain residents to gain access to the people’s land to mine lithium. Evidently, there is so much lithium, all you need is a wheelbarrow and a shovel. Yes, you can “make this stuff up”, but I’m not certain what kind of hallucinogenic that requires. Read this and laugh. And don’t get me started on FEMA.
Give me a fucking break.
First I heard of chemtrails was many years ago from a ‘captain’ at Chouest who also made sure his crew washed down the boat after a rain storm at sea as the rain at sea had salt water in it. I later wondered if QAnon wasn’t born in the bayou.
Was he a fourth captain or fifth captain?
He was actually the 1st captain or whatever they called the senior captain or guy in charge.
Some believe it may work
By no means do I support the ideas of QAnon followers, but Google how many children go missing in the US alone each year! It’s staggering and it doesn’t take into account how many illegal minors are being held in pizza shops around Washington DC! Well, just kidding about the pizza shops but the numbers are there to criticize why we aren’t talking about missing children more! WWG1WGA lol
A few years ago there was a “theory” about building ships that would just sit and pump seawater and spray it into the atmosphere as a vapor to “cool down global warming”.
The loonie that charged into the DC pizza shop a few years ago with a gun looking for the children was shot and killed by law enforcement in NC a few days ago. Some mental defects can’t be cured.
How do you know someone is a follower of QAnon? They voted Republican. Or so I was accused of when I made a “conservative” post on another forum. I had to do a websearch to find out what they were babbling about.
To paraphrase a great movie, “We’re gonna need a bigger airplane.”
I personally am sick of the conservative and liberal labels the media, podcasts and politicians want to put on people. Why not have a realist label instead? A huge number of people are independents and like myself realists. It’s about time we got some recognition.
All I can say is that many ‘conspiracy theories’ tend to end up as simple conspiracies in fact.
The vibe so far on this thread is that everybody ridicules the conspiracy theories but they never seriously examine the evidence.
If this thread stays live for long enough (I’m here so it will disappear soon) I can present volumes of evidence that will change any thinking man’s mind. Lefties are never convinced.
Try some evidence, just for a taster, of a forensic arborist looking at the damage caused by recent fires which strangely leaves the trees largely unburnt. You don’t have to believe it but should ask yourself, how is this possible.
P.S. If you get your news from main stream sources, you have been deceived for years.
Hilarious! The russian troll bots like conspiracy theories do they? I wonder if contaminating this site is worth spending troll money though. I suppose that they must work cheap.
You guys can blame space lazers or global warming if you want but I don’t think it’s a coincidence this happened shortly after the calendar flipped over to TWENTY TWENTY-FIVE. First the blue states on the East Coast were invaded by drones that have now became invisible to the human eye & now many of the castles in blue California burned down. I told everyone this was going to happen! It’s the Heritage Foundation & Project 2025 I tell 'ya.
You Sir better be careful here, otherwise You will be called a boomer who is a MASSIVE brake on the potential for this site to be useful to mariners.
You will be labelled as belonging to a notorious gang of the same 5 doofi (doofuses?) that clog every post with their asinine snob takes derailing every single GD post, driving off engagement.
You will be accused of making this forum your private club and in the process You will keep discouraging more and more mariners from using this place.
You will be REMINDED,every post doesn’t need a retiree’s opinion, and every political reference doesn’t need to have the same 3 FOOLS congratulating each other for once again being right , what actually is Your healthy attribute and earned
privilage relating to Your seniority what he fails to notice. .
The ignorant and arrogant rookie delivering such sanctimonious sermons to discourage you and others from participation can not possibly comprehend, that where he is You have already been but where You are he may never get with such attitudes & audaciousness.
And this rookie & greenhorn generation Z genius ( Z like “zero” or “zombie” ) is manifesting his “high” IQ potential bemoaning the obvious defficiency of this noble congregation called Forum - namely the absence of mute function .
In my opinion this genius is either lazy or has an IQ of rezus monkey but to avoid insults here I must use euphemism and call him a " differently abled" or " challenged" person in some way or another.
But i am a mercifull old chap doofi and fool and want to rescue this poor disabled child out from his torment and misery so IT does not have to hear from people who spend their time here doing the equivalent of masturbating in front of a full-length mirror.
In order to save him the torment of thinking how to decode my awkward written instruction i decided to deliver a package , that requires zero cerebral activity in order to shut down and delete the disgusting and obscene picture of masturbating greybacks.
Would You @Sand_Pebble and @Jughead agree , that i am not weird??

Strange that four years of out in the open blatent treason with for only one example the 12 million documented and possibly as high as 20 million non-asylum qualifying crimininal hordes tens of thousands of now unaccounted for children, hundreds of thousands of raped women now working as slave labor and along with tons of fentanyl introduced, facilitated, escorted, transported and disseminated into the US does not garner more concern from John Q public and is bascially a snooze fest for those level headed citizens who do not want to take a stand and be labled and prefer being called realists. Reality will take a front row seat soon enough when the several hundred thousand terrorists/ terrorist sympathizers along with the thousands of military age men from PRC recieve their orders. Anyone who tries to downplay the balent treason we have lived through the last 4 years and the entire MAGA movement and still calls themselves Christians while seeing the Beria-Stalinist attacks on Trump simply needs to go to sleep. Biden is a sweet old man I am certain. Sleep away America, sleep…
Uh yeah that about wraps this one up. Appears it was doomed from the start.