Hi, I recently sent in a application to Compass Marine. Anyone here heard anything about them? I searched the forums and found nothing. They called me today thats why im asking!
Compass Marine is a Maritime recruitment company, you sign a contract and put in an application for them. And they forward your information to other maritime companies potentially looking to hire someone on a temporary basis. The Cost of using a Maritime Recruiter is Usualy 10% of your contract and you pay it in installments. Such as you work 7 days the first day and a halfs pay goes to them.
Now as to Compass marine, I have used there services before as well as Captain Sweeny’s Maritime Headhunters, Keegan and Keegan and Seaport Marine, and there all usually good at getting you out the door within a month or so of signing up with them, So if you feel like footing the bill, by all means go for it.
Ok thanks! Thats what I wanted to hear! I’ll give them a go…
You will be sorry
I know Rick Ely very well - for nearly 20 years - as teenagers. He is in the business to make money, so he will find you a position. He only makes money because you are working. If you can find employment on your own, do that. If not, there are people that you can pay to do the leg work instead. I don’t think you will be sorry, but there is always a funny feeling in your gut that you’re actually giving someone a piece of your hard earned check. But the question is would you have had a check on your own. Your choice. He will tell you straight-up, he is a head hunter, and that’s what he does. No big secret on what is expected by both parties.
I have currently entered into this Maritime space as well, My company does not take any money from your pay check and offers the same services! I am learning to navigate this landscape I have herd stories of these sort of arrangements. Although the majority of my positions require clearances, our business model is completely different!
[QUOTE=Capt Joe;36399]You will be sorry[/QUOTE]
I got that idea when I spoke with them on the phone this afternoon. The girl on the phone was very rude, didn’t want to help. Oh, and they lost my application. I’ll look elsewhere. They didnt even remember calling me yesterday…
[QUOTE=KevinATR;36431]I have currently entered into this Maritime space as well, My company does not take any money from your pay check and offers the same services! I am learning to navigate this landscape I have herd stories of these sort of arrangements. Although the majority of my positions require clearances, our business model is completely different![/QUOTE]
Right, Now I am interested…By the way, what type of clearance we got to pass? MSC’s top secret clearance?
I have always held headhunters who charge the mariner for the jobs are bottomfeeders. Doesn’t the fact that the companies that are a headhunter’s clients not being willing to foot the bill to obtain a mariner they “supposedly” need say everything about them as well? A headhunter that charges the mariners for jobs is a crimp, but the companies that use crimps to get their people are even worse! I sadly have worked for two such companies but was able to get the job without needing to pay for it. I always resented the employer for not just hiring all their vessel people on their own. Afterall, how much does running an ad in a newspaper (or now internet) cost? I remember when we did advertise on our own we got the people we needed. Of course, both companies offered absolutely nothing in the way of benefits which alone goes to say alot about how much they cared for their vessel personnel. One of those two companies is long gone but the other is still around and recruiting through headhunters. I pity the guys who are so hard up for work that they have to resort to paying for a job…it’s not right.
I have heard stories that some companies won’t direct hire anyone because the HR guy for the vessel owner has a kickback deal with a headhunter. Anybody heard the same story?
[QUOTE=c.captain;43527]I have heard stories that some companies won’t direct hire anyone because the HR guy for the vessel owner has a kickback deal with a headhunter. Anybody heard the same story?[/QUOTE]
I’ve heard that rumor from multiple sources, but don’t have any documentation to support it. And I’m not about to ask a HR type if it is true…
Do a search on gcaptain using the keyword head hunters and you will get a very clear picture of what these scumbags are all about.
Some guys do well using a head hunter. Especially if you do not live in the gulf states where you can see all the billboards or local newpaper ads.
A lot of the jobs a head hunter will find for you can be found on the internet but most jobs that they have an exclusive edge on are definately kickback deals. Of course you would never get anyone to admit anything because the whole practice is illegal but unfortunately it is reality in a lot of cases. You must pay to play in most cases.
The ruthless head hunters are in cahoots with the HR guy and the HR guy will usually keep you around just long enough for you to pay the head hunter off and then they come up with a bs reason to get rid of you so they can repeat the process all over again and make more money off some other poor soul.
There are a couple exceptions to the rule.
If you must use a head hunter use one out of Louisiana. LA labor laws forbid a head hunter from collecting the remainder of his fee if you quit or get fired before you have satisfied the contract fee.
Some times you gotta do what you gotta do to feed the family but i recommend you spend a little more time on the internet doing marine job searches before using even an LA headhunter.
I personally despise headhunters but if you are going to use an LA headhunter check into Progressive Marine. They have an office in TX and LA. I think TX labor laws are different so make sure you use the LA office if you must.
Try NOLA.com using keyword “marine”. Lots of good jobs on there. Workboat.com classifeds. The waterways journal.com classifieds. marinejobs.com. maritimejobs.com. Offshoreworkmates.com. the list goes on my friend. I have many more good internet job links in my favorites tab but they are too many to list.
Simply typing in marine jobs on google will lead you to many good job links. But beware headhunters listing job leads and pretending to be actual marine companies. That is their trade mark hook to get you to call.
Compass marine has been advertising all kinds of jobs from Captains to OS’s even when there were no jobs to be found. They ,just like any other head hunter, will make you sign on the dotted line before they even spend more than a few seconds with you on the phone.
After you sign on the dotted line if you go out and find a job on your own then they want to claim that they found the job for you.
I also agree that any company that is ok with a headhunter charging their employees to let them come to work for them is usually not a very good company. Why else would they have to resort to a headhunter to find employees? They are usually substandard mom and pop ops or start up companies that no experience mariner would trade a decent steady job to take a chance on.
There are a lot of mariners looking for jobs right now and the smart ones don’t go to work for dirtbag companies. This leaves an open black hole for the headhunters to fill.
Before I had as many years in the industry as i do now i used to have to use head hunters because i did not have the “networking” skills that i have now through friends in the industry and knowing where and how to look for marine jobs.
I have been screwed, blued, and tatooed everytime i used a head hunter. Yes, the headhunter held up his end of the deal and got me a job but by the time i paid him off i had a pretty good idea who i was working for and everytime it was a substandard company in more than one way.
Good luck to you and like i said make sure you do a headhunter thread search on here before you use any headhunter.
Also beware of the bitch who runs Keegan and Keegan. I forget her name but she is one of the worst of a bad bunch. I believe she charges 14 days which is criminal. She has called me before but I wouldn’t waste my time even asking what she had.
Anybody have an experience with her worth sharing?
Yes, i agree. avoid keegan and keegan at all costs even though they have an office in la i think