Companies that contribute to MITAGS

Does anyone know of any shipping companies that contribute to MITAGS? I was reading up on the MITAGS website and they said one could go for training tuition free for some classes if they are employed by a company that contributes to their program.

[QUOTE=maxpwr48;54078]Does anyone know of any shipping companies that contribute to MITAGS? I was reading up on the MITAGS website and they said one could go for training tuition free for some classes if they are employed by a company that contributes to their program.[/QUOTE]

I’m think that is in reference to MMP contracted ships and you being a member of MMP.

MATES Trust students information


The Maritime Advancement, Training, Education, and Safety (MATES) Program non-profit trust has been in operation since 1968 and is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board is divided equally between both Union and company representatives. The President of the IOMM&P serves as Chairman and the senior company representative serves as Secretary. The Board meets a minimum of three times per year to set policies. The daily operation of the program has been delegated to MITAGS’ Executive Director.

Funding Sources

The MATES Program is not funded by member dues or government agencies. The funding sources include:

Man-day contribution from trust companies.
Tuition payment for affiliated and non-affiliated companies.
Maritime operational research (simulation) projects for affiliated and non-affiliated companies.
Conference service activities for affiliated and non-affiliated organizations.