Chief Mate / Master Shipboard Assessment

This seemed like the right place to ask my question.

National endorsement- I have approval to test for cm/master agt oceans. I hold 2m and 1600t oceans.

Stcw assessments- need to complete them next trip out.

If I pass the exam will I be issued a mmc for cm agt oceans, but without stcw? Then after my next trip I can submit my assessments and get my stcw so I can sail Chief Mate?

Contractor on the phone at uscg could not answer this question.



You also need to do all the Chief Mate classes if you haven’t already.

Yes, got those. Thanks

If you did ALL the required and optional CM classes, you may have all the assessments covered. If you only did the required classes, but no optional classes, then there will be some assessments to still complete. Each course cert should specify which assessments it covers. Cross check those with the assessment list.