Chief Limited OICEW issues

I have my Chief Engineer Limited (1600 ton) no horsepower restrictions. My OICEW has a 500 ton limitation. My question is, if I get NVIC 15-14 completed will that remove the 500 ton limitation on my STCW? This has been such a pain in the ass!

I do not hold a 3rd A/E, I have a DDE AHP so do I need to apply for an Assistant Engineer Limited?!

So confused- thanks for any help.

Why was your OICEW limited to 500 GRT? Did you hold DDE at the time you got it?

Also, if you have Chief Engineer-Limited, you can’t serve on a vessel over 1,600 GRT, so you’ll probably not get the limitation removed entirely, it will likely have a limitation to 1,600 GRT.

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I only had a DDE AHP when I got my Chief Limited. I only need 1600 ton for my current job but I have the 500 ton limitation on my license now.

So I am going to try and get that NVIC 15-14 filled out and hopefully that removes the tonnage limitation.

I have done ALL of the stupid classes.

They are really making Hawsepiping so confusing.

Thanks for your reply.