I was wondering how celestial nav works.* I have the sea time and qualifications for 200 Oceans Master / 1600 Mate NC (currently have 200 Master NC).* I’m following a friends suggestion of sitting for the 1600 Mate NC and then once that is issued taking the Cel Nav course at PMI and taking a 20 question theory exam. However I would need to sail for 180 days as Master or Mate over 100GT before I could qualify as 1600 Mate Oceans.*
So my question is this:* If I pass the 1600 Mate NC and then take the Cel Nav course and pass, could I turn it in to the USCG and upgrade to Master 200 Oceans (which I would then qualify for by passing the Cel Nav course) and then once I’ve sailed 180 days as Master / Mate over 100GT use the same Cel Nav course certificate to upgrade to 1600 Mate Oceans or would I need to retake the course again?
I think you have a year from the course date to use it so as long as you get the time for 1600 Oceans in a year you should be good to go.
Thank you for the reply. That’s what I was looking for.