You guys do realize that the only difference between USMM and USN uniforms are the shoulderboard or sleeve insignia right? Can’t see if it’s a star, prop, or anchor on his boards, so I couldn’t tell you one way or the other, but giving himself four stripes for a baby captain license does seem a little dubious to me.
See the link for dress uniform options for Merchant Mariners.
Count me skeptical. First, no Navy Achievement Medals or Navy Commendation Medals in his “fruit salad”. Those are usually given as end of tour awards to the O-2s and O-3s. Secondly, I believe that emblem on his right shoulder signifies prior command at sea but when I search for that name along with commanding officer I find nothing.
Does MSC have a uniform that looks like the Navy O-6 uniform but with that cover/cover emblem?
He only holds a limited Masters licence so would he qualify to command anything MSC operates?
Like I said, very fishy to me.
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“Master OSV 10,000” Thats all I needed to see to know he’s just a retard that bought a uniform to look flashy.
Though the SWO pin, fruit salad, and command at sea pins are pretty sketchy, the uniform itself technically isn’t and technically would be legit for a captain in the Merchant Marine.
Still a bit pissed about him wearing four stripes though. Should be two (and no scrambled eggs on the cap) if you ask me.
To answer your original question, no, but we can wear uniforms (dress and otherwise) that are almost identical aside from the cap device and shoulderboard devices. Some companies require uniforms, most don’t.
I think most of us would rather wear a mankini than a uniform, but I do have SDBs in my closet for when the occasion actually calls for it. (Not my LinkedIn profile pic though) 
And I fixed it for you. We’re Merchant Mariners, not “Merchant Marines.”
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I believe op’s confusion stems from his FB page. The cap’n states he currently works for US Merchant Marines. I say catfish.
And what are the rules for wearing service medals on your merchant marine uniform? I would think the ribbons are ok, but the SWO pin? Seems unlikely to me.
I say unless you’re being handed an AOTOS award or shaking hands with the president, it comes off as douchey. I certainly don’t feel like I belong to a service. I can come and go as I please and that suits me just fine.

Never thought of it but maybe I could have pinned on my Sea Scout insignia such Canoe Leader, Single Oar Sculler, Outboard Motor Specialist, Helmsman, Navigator, Rower, Bootlegger, Womanizer etc. BTW I like that word “fruit salad”!
This clown wins top prize for hilarity. He’s an imposter wearing USMC dress blues with a Navy SEAL trident, which, if he was wearing the correct uniform (Navy) would be worn above the campaign ribbons.
That is just strange. And sad.
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…and that EOD insignia as well above the trident… An obese marine seal EOD tech… Hahah he’s got a point, though, he’s so fucking fat, he wouldn’t even have to wear a bombsuit. I’m sure this person has been knocked out at least once already
Full disclosure: I was guilty of the same crime at a young age but under extenuating circumstances. My mom was buying my clothes.
Clearly she saw even then what path your life would take.
So you’re the Lindbergh baby?!?
I know, right? I prolly should feel embarrassed…It was all downhill from there.
I’m a “Merchant Marine” and I stormed the beaches of Grand Isle and Fourchon.
Were you a hero at The Bowling Green massacre?
Thank you for your service…
Yes, with Kellyanne by my side.
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No. MSC required unlimited licenses for all their vessels.