Maybe you should pay more attention to today’s reality than wishful thinking and old stories told by your Buddies at the Marina.
Maybe you should pay more attention to today’s reality than wishful thinking and old stories told by your Buddies at the Marina.
The major reason for Brexit.
Prior to Brexit the UK and the City of London supplied little but ‘services’ that contributed to the GDP. 80% of the the GDP of the UK has been services. The service business is banking, insurance etc, that produce nothing of tangible value but rather extract value via fees. Now that the UK is divorcing itself from the EU many of these ‘service’ businesses have moved out. Additionally no one is rushing to the UK to build manufacturing facilities since Brexit so how they expect to maintain their economy is a big question. Brexit is an interesting experiment but I have a feeling this is not going to turn out well.
Isn’t the International Maritime Organization headquartered in London? What is your opinion on how is this going to change the dynamics between UK and Europe, if it does at all?
Lots of different International and EU organizations are HQ in London for now. Will they still be there in a year or two?
The banks in The City has lost their “Passporting” in EU countries, thus have more difficulties doing business in the EU.
Not to say that it is all lost, but things get more difficult to get favouable terms in any trade deal with other countries. Any deal will be on their terms, since it does not include access to the EU Internal Market any more.
That applies to any deal made with the US as well. “Special relationship” only applies in political speeches, not in trade negotiations.
If you were a trade negotiator, would you look more at a market of 500 mill. people, or a shrinking one that MAY be only England and Wales soon?
Depends if the market of the UK allows access to markets of the Commonwealth or exploration of resources via the Commonwealth.
Didn’t the Quality and labor problems at the NI plants basically kill Delorean and Triumph.
its a UN body so irrelevant to trading blocks, each country is a member in its own right
yes but the UK has some of the most efficient car plants on the planet.
I guess the lesson its not the workers its all about the management who are foreign for the foreign plants
I remember pre the Euro, everybody saying once the euro dollar starts all the business will go to europe and what happened …nothing, all the business stayed in the UK as the world knows its the place to do business.
The UK is a finance/services place now and not a manufacturing place on the same level as Germany, Italy, and France . The UK derives most of its GDP [70%] from “services” which is the rentier economy. The UK like the USA offshored its manufacturing leaving millions of jobs behind. That the UK is not a part of the EU will do nothing to bring those jobs back but eventually it may force the citizens to realize who sold out the manufacturing and their way of life. It was not the eastern European or Middle East immigrants.
A country and culture can only comfortably absorb and tolerate just so many immigrants from different cultures and countries at a time. This is particularly true when a country has a large underclass that has not achieved success. When those limits of comfort are exceeded, there will be a backlash against immigration. This is what drove Brexit.
But it is not the immigrants fault the underclass has not achieved success. As the number of immigrants has fallen in the UK since the talk of Brexit have wages gone up or more jobs been created? No. The other question is who constitutes the underclass and why did they become part of a caste system or is this just a continuation of the lords with their manors and the serfs?
Considering it was the commoners that voted for Brexit with a majority vote & it was the international bankers, oligarchs, billionaires, bureaucrats & sinister globalists who wanted to stay in control of those commoners/serfs I answer “no” to your second option. The more money & more international ties a voter had the more likely they were for staying in the EU?
Yes but only in England and Wales. In Scotland and Northern Ireland the majority voted to remain in the EU.
Will they soon see their wish come true?
It’d be nice to see Scotland and NI as Independent nations once again.
NI is still within the EU Customs Union and is likely to be reunited with the Republic of Ireland sometime in the not too far future.
Scotland has been aiming for independence for some time. Brexit MAY have speeded up the process.
The British fishing industry, like many others, are victims of big business. There are UK flagged trawlers whose foreign beneficial owners may have a token registered office in the UK but are based and controlled from mainland Europe. This Brexit fishing agreement means nothing to these companies who will continue to benefit irrespective… Maybe all UK flagged trawlers should be obliged to land their catch in UK ports, then exported to the Continent…
I think voters of Northern Ireland & Scotland voted for what they thought were in their best interests. Just like those in Wales & England. The majority in N.I & Scotland didn’t think they could go it alone & decided to stay with the EU. Good for them.
Even though I didn’t have a dog in the fight I would have liked to see Scotland be independent again from London during their last vote on it in 2014. But perhaps the same anti-independent spirit that convinced the majority, 55%, to stay in the UK was the same spirit that convinced them to vote in favor of the EU?
Let them vote on it again & support them afterwards. Not talk shit about it & claim the sky is going to fall on them if they didn’t vote the way we wanted them to.