Book about the genesis of double-hull oil tankers

This might be a stretch, but I was hoping someone on here has read a particular book online, and could point me in the right direction. The text I’m thinking of was downloadable, and I believe it was recommended on one of the threads here in the forum. It’s about the first days of double-hull oil tankers, but also about so much more. It was a really good overview of the shipping industry, flags of convenience, and much else of interest to the mariner. I’d downloaded it on my old–and now, defunct–computer, but hadn’t finished it. Anyone know what I’m talking about? I know this is a random long-shot, but I figured I’d try.

I think I found it here:

It’s called “The Tankership Tromedy: The Impending Disasters in Tankers” by Jack Devanney.


It’s a really good book. He used to host it for download on his personal website but I guess he took that down.

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Great book, exposing class and how its fundmentally flawed due to its funding model and the knee jerk reaction that created the double hulled tankers that have never saved anything.
(Who would fly in an aircraft where the certification went out to tender?)

They are good for stealing oil as now you have this huge cavity you can drop the fuel into and pump it put later. Surveyor dips the tank, all good.
Next trip you have to pay the guy on the shore storage tank his share.

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Is this cavity you speak of the ballast tank? I’m a bit confused. The double hulls I’ve worked on were pretty straight forward and I’m failing to see this as an option. From a personal perspective, I’d prefer to keep any product out of my ballast tanks. Stealing or not.

Not speaking from experience but I have heard from several crew on Asian and African based tankers tell me they can drop the oil out of the bottom of the tanks and fill what would be ballast as they fill the product tanks, surveyors standing there un aware.
Then ship to ship transfer later…

I see the number one ship to ship transfer site close to Singapore in the news recently…
Every time you go past that area there are many tanker alongside other tankers.
Luckily its outside the environment so no harm… ( and no insurance or class)