BEWARE Cabras Marine/SeaBridge in Guam!

Beware of this company-Recently got spanked for carrying non us citizen foreign/non licensed,no zcard individuals onboard vessels servicing US Navy contract and contract towing barge with military cargo.Jones Act,anyone??? Company in Guam is a shell company set up to get around jones act-Parent company is head quartered in Manila .NEWS FLASH SEABRIDGE YOU ARE IN US TERRITORY ON A US FLAGGED VESSEL AND YOU GO BY OUR RULES.IF YOU WANT TO OPERATE LIKE SOME POS COMPANY FROM A 3RD WORLD COUNTRY GO BACK HOME !! WHY IS THIS COMPANY ABLE TO GET GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WORK???
American licensed officers brought in as figureheads only to man an old tug that is barely seaworthy ,rides like a toy boat in a bathtub , is unsafe and has 36( Tug built in 1974) years worth of junk onboard.
Company BACKPEDDLES and does not pay daily rate as promised. ######IF YOU TAKE WORK WITH THIS COMPANY GOD BLESS YOU AND GET A WRITTEN CONTRACT.DO NOT come over here unless you have the terms in writing!!! If you come over to Guam to work for them without a contract YOU WILL GET BONED.Company is wishy washy and lies.
.If you dont like walking into the wheelhouse and having the Captain/crew switch to Tagolog so that you cant understand what is being said then…this may not be the place for you.Things like this happen frequently .Non asians are hired to punch eeo tickets only to keep government contracts.
Management makes up BS stories to USCG about licensed brought in from states saying that they " Cant handle pressure" What a steaming load of DUNG!! Working with a piece of ### BOAT , A MORON FOR A CAPT. AND MANAGEMENT WHO IS EQUALLY AS CLUELESS( All of those cell phones they carry around to look " impotent" dont make them any smarter) WILL TEND TO PISS YOU OFF.Imagine A RICE EATING BEER DRINKING Stevie Wonder at the wheel of a tug and you will get an idea of what life at CABRAS/SEABRIDGE IS LIKE…" Firehoses?? We dont need no Stinking Fire hoses!!!" What oil fill cap?Let’s just stuff a rag in it!! It isnt running right-Let’s slap some more paint on it!!! Screw color coding-the red and green color scheme looks like christmas all year-Wooo Hooo…Damn there’s still open space-Let’s stuff some more ### (garbage,oily rags, parts that are useless,beer cans)in it!! To hell with cleaning the boat , training or having drills!!! -We have fish to catch and beer to drink! Forget tools-We dont need them because we dont do any work!!!
DO NOT let this company use you or your license as a token!
Steer clear of this FOREIGN OWNED rag tag mom and pop towing company that operates junk.It’s not worth your license or your time.These guys are bad news!!!:eek:

It may be a good idea to send things like this to Senator Mc Cain. He created and introduced a bill to repeal the Jones Act. This happened last month. We need to get fired up about this!!!

Do you speak from first hand experience? If so did you let the USCG know what’s going on? I hope so.

They’ve been in trouble before:

The answer to both of your questions is yes-Cant comment further at this point…

Boathaulic-Interesting point.Makes me wonder about Mr.McCain and what ’ Great Things’ that he would be doing for the marine industry If he were elected president…I agree with you on the Jones Act…It is the mariners and their jobs that are being sold out by the very people who are supposed to be supporting us.Get mad Get pissed off and do something!! When you see companies like Cabras/Seabridge boycott them!! They use foreign/unlicensed unqualified people because they have been allowed to get by with it for so long…

I was master with cabras for 4 years and not sure how I lasted that long. It is by far the worst company I have ever worked for in my 25 years at the helm. They repeatedly made me work more than 12 hours in a day, and violated a number of USCG regulations. Yes It was reported to the USCG, little happend, I think due to close island ties, money, politics ect… How do they keep winning this contact??? They are the lowest bidder by far, and have island ties so no one eles can come in and play. I have been hoping for compition from outside for a long time but everytime the bid is up, cabras marine is the lowest by far. They continue to treat employees like they were in the phillipines, and operate with little or no problems from the USCG.

I just noticed that their office is in the same building as a company I used to work for. I can’t say I’m surprised.

[QUOTE=franklnooner;40313]I was master with cabras for 4 years and not sure how I lasted that long. It is by far the worst company I have ever worked for in my 25 years at the helm. They repeatedly made me work more than 12 hours in a day, and violated a number of USCG regulations. Yes It was reported to the USCG, little happend, I think due to close island ties, money, politics ect… How do they keep winning this contact??? They are the lowest bidder by far, and have island ties so no one eles can come in and play. I have been hoping for compition from outside for a long time but everytime the bid is up, cabras marine is the lowest by far. They continue to treat employees like they were in the phillipines, and operate with little or no problems from the USCG.[/QUOTE]

This may be changing...Hey SeaBridge- GAME OVER!!!! Your gravy train with uncle sam is about to derail.......Time to bring an AMERICAN OWNED COMPANY in that can and will do the job much better than the bunch of fools that you have now...Flipflops while working  the deck,drinking,fishing,anything but running a boat.What a friggin joke Reverse racism at it's best.Hiring  causasians and american VETERANS just to punch an EEO ticket.SeaBridge YOU HAVE STEPPED ON YOURSELF THIS TIME

Any American USCG Licensed mariner BOYCOTT SEABRIDGE AND CABERAS-THEY OPENLY VIOLATE THE JONES ACT-DO NOT SUPPORT THEM.Any company that knowingly jeopardizes the lives of the mariners onboard it’s vessels are little more than THUGS.STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!

The old adage of you " You get what you pay for is in full effect here…" The only reason that they are the low bidder is that they pay ### wages to the foreign nationals without licenses-Carrying USCG Licensed crew AS IS REQUIRED will cost them more ,cut into their bottom line and they wont have that.“They will just” pass it along to the customers",as the managment already stated…GREEDY IS AS GREEDY DOES.Flush these racist dirtballs and GET RID OF THEM!!! They are racist against whites-Crews in office and on vessels are predominantly asian and the company is on no hurry to change this.Any white licensed crew brought in are hassled so bad they leave.Company does not care-Their ticket got punched, They met the contract requirements,so they they think…NOT FOR LONG!!!


They seem to keep getting away with everything, How can we change this?? With such a low bid on the contract they keep winning it over and over. Boycot?, might help a little but its all goverment money at least on the Navy base. The commercial side is from agents that keep them busy, and with little to no compitition this will continue in Guam, and many more people will be effected by them.

Three are indeed compeitors out there-No jobs should be lost in any transition unless…You’re one of those who has been complacent with the asian version of the good old boy net and not maintained their credentials or gotten citizenship.( The wiper that they have sailing as a Chief Engineer,the unlicensed non US Citizen that they have on a boat as a Chief Engineer)
If you dont bother to get off your butt and maintain the requirements for your job then too bad so sad-The blame lays solely on you.
The fact remains is that Cabras and SeaBridge are shady companies that are not and have not been playing by the rules.The safety of the vessels that they operate and those that crew them is at stake and the management of that company DOES NOT GIVE A DAMN-Theyre in this to make a buck,and," Dead Men tell no tales.Let’s hope that It does not come to that …
Put these scum out of business and give the contract to some American Company that can and will do the job right.You do not play roulett with people’s lives’This is exactly what Cabras Marine and SeaBridge is doing-EVERYDAY
My point in the " BoyCot" issue was not to waste your hard earned license and talents on a company that will not appreicate it-Further-Do not support a company that does not support the Jones Act the very law that supports your profession.It is your choice,your job.Think long and hard about it.

I agree with everything you have said. I was master for 4 years with them, and in part feel that I was partialy responsible becuase I did not speak up, as I needed my Job. Later the value of the Job, was not worth it and things changed, I quit for a number of reasons. I wonder what they did to you, its not important, but I have seen a long line of unhappy ex-employees of Cabras and current people that are slaves to the job, and that is how Cabras wants you to be. I will spread the word were I can, and I guess we have already started here.

[QUOTE=franklnooner;40372]I agree with everything you have said. I was master for 4 years with them, and in part feel that I was partialy responsible becuase I did not speak up, as I needed my Job. Later the value of the Job, was not worth it and things changed, I quit for a number of reasons. I wonder what they did to you, its not important, but I have seen a long line of unhappy ex-employees of Cabras and current people that are slaves to the job, and that is how Cabras wants you to be. I will spread the word were I can, and I guess we have already started here.[/QUOTE]

franklnooner Thanks so very much for speaking up The best thing that can be done is to get the word out and hopefully let people make the decision for themselves.Sailing is a unique line of work that does indeed have it’s days as does anything else.We should not have to give up our safety and professional integrity in order to stay employed in our chosen profession.
It is through forums like this that we can keep people informed and shut thugs like Cabras down-Get people talking about what has and is going on with Cabras,Seabridge and the Navy contract sooner or later someone in a position to do something will hear about it and take action
If enough people put their foot down and refuse to work for them that by far is the strongest message that can be sent that we as mariners will not tolerate being put into what amounts to virtual slavery.There is indeed strength in numbers.Stand up for yourselves MARINERS speak up and write anyone and everyone about this
In Cabras’ case I strongly suspect that there is something really VERY ROTTEN here…someone is getting paid ,very well to let them keep the contract…As said in a previous post-Their gravy train with Uncle Sam is going to derail…We as MARINERS and AMERICANS cannot allow our jobs and livlihoods to be sold out to this pos company.The fact that they are doing business with the US Government is WRONG WRONG WRONG

Letting people know and getting the word out is one way, another way is to follow the money. US Navy contract? How about contacting your representatives and senators and asking them to look into it. Give exact and concise details of what you experienced, what you personally witnessed, and what US Laws these things were in violation of. Our congressional representatives usually have a system in place to receive such information, hand delivering a letter and requesting an appointment at a later time to discuss it can be quite effective. If successful, that Navy contract can be yanked from above and it usually doesn’t return easily because the red flags go up when they bid…

Thank you for the thanks, and I will keep talking to everyone that will listen. You are right that something is rotten on Guam, Cabras is connected to the politics, and with politics involved the is always money. Im very happy to hear people giving there suggestions and hope that by letting people know what is going on will cause then to lose this contract. I enjoyed my time in Guam but no longer live there, but would return if another company won the bid. One can only hope!!!

[QUOTE=franklnooner;40453]Thank you for the thanks, and I will keep talking to everyone that will listen. You are right that something is rotten on Guam, Cabras is connected to the politics, and with politics involved the is always money. Im very happy to hear people giving there suggestions and hope that by letting people know what is going on will cause then to lose this contract. I enjoyed my time in Guam but no longer live there, but would return if another company won the bid. One can only hope!!![/QUOTE]

Guam is a beautiful place but is getting ready to get very crowded with the influx of 8000 marines and their families…

Cal you are absolutely right;The matter will be addressed with any and all regulatory entities,including congressmen,senators.-It is a different ball game when you are dealing with the US Government and government contracts.Not sure when the contract in Guam is up for renewal but who ever has control over the situation needs to look at the whole picture and not just who is the cheapest bidder.This habit of hiring veterans just to punch an EEO ticket is just plain wrong-Our vets merit our respect and deserve better than to be treated like garbage that you put out.
To be a competitive bidder companies need to be up to standards in the first place-Cabras/SeaBridge does not even begin to come close nor does the management care to-They are in a state of complete denial and think their company and vessels merit ISM Certification-NOT!!-At present there is indeed a compliance issue but things could and should be complicated very quickly If there was ever a major incident onboard one of their vessels( Fire,collision,fatality,etc.)
Let’s not wait for this to hit the news or give them the chance to cover it up If anything does happen-If you are a " Cabras Alumni" by all means contact your local senator or congressman,inspector general,DOD HOTLINE and let them know ALL about what you experienced with this company…Dont be silent-Get on the phone,put it in writing and make sure they know all about Cabras and SeaBridge and why they SHOULD NOT be awarded any government contracts or loose the ones that they have

:mad::mad:[QUOTE=Salty2;40228]Beware of this company-Recently got spanked for carrying non us citizen foreign/non licensed,no zcard individuals onboard vessels servicing US Navy contract and contract towing barge with military cargo.Jones Act,anyone??? Company in Guam is a shell company set up to get around jones act-Parent company is head quartered in Manila .NEWS FLASH SEABRIDGE YOU ARE IN US TERRITORY ON A US FLAGGED VESSEL AND YOU GO BY OUR RULES.IF YOU WANT TO OPERATE LIKE SOME POS COMPANY FROM A 3RD WORLD COUNTRY GO BACK HOME !! WHY IS THIS COMPANY ABLE TO GET GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WORK???
American licensed officers brought in as figureheads only to man an old tug that is barely seaworthy ,rides like a toy boat in a bathtub , is unsafe and has 36( Tug built in 1974) years worth of junk onboard.
Company BACKPEDDLES and does not pay daily rate as promised. ######IF YOU TAKE WORK WITH THIS COMPANY GOD BLESS YOU AND GET A WRITTEN CONTRACT.DO NOT come over here unless you have the terms in writing!!! If you come over to Guam to work for them without a contract YOU WILL GET BONED.Company is wishy washy and lies.
.If you dont like walking into the wheelhouse and having the Captain/crew switch to Tagolog so that you cant understand what is being said then…this may not be the place for you.Things like this happen frequently .Non asians are hired to punch eeo tickets only to keep government contracts.
Management makes up BS stories to USCG about licensed brought in from states saying that they " Cant handle pressure" What a steaming load of DUNG!! Working with a piece of ### BOAT , A MORON FOR A CAPT. AND MANAGEMENT WHO IS EQUALLY AS CLUELESS( All of those cell phones they carry around to look " impotent" dont make them any smarter) WILL TEND TO PISS YOU OFF.Imagine A RICE EATING BEER DRINKING Stevie Wonder at the wheel of a tug and you will get an idea of what life at CABRAS/SEABRIDGE IS LIKE…" Firehoses?? We dont need no Stinking Fire hoses!!!" What oil fill cap?Let’s just stuff a rag in it!! It isnt running right-Let’s slap some more paint on it!!! Screw color coding-the red and green color scheme looks like christmas all year-Wooo Hooo…Damn there’s still open space-Let’s stuff some more ### (garbage,oily rags, parts that are useless,beer cans)in it!! To hell with cleaning the boat , training or having drills!!! -We have fish to catch and beer to drink! Forget tools-We dont need them because we dont do any work!!!
DO NOT let this company use you or your license as a token!
Steer clear of this FOREIGN OWNED rag tag mom and pop towing company that operates junk.It’s not worth your license or your time.These guys are bad news!!!:eek:[/QUOTE]
:mad:So sorry to here about what you have mentioned, but you really put yourself in a bad Position.


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