I recently retired from the US Navy after 26 yrs of service and plan to continue my adventures and life at sea. I had qualified and stood OOD underway (Officer of the deck) on various ships throughout my career. My goal was to springboard into a third mate position with my experience in the Navy. I attained my MMC credentials for AB unlimited and have the required sea time in order to take the mates exam. One hiccup… The requirement of having 6 months of sea time with AB MMC “in hand”. I should of attained the endorsement prior to retiring… but sometimes lessons are learned the hard way.
So here is my dilemma.
Looking to go to sea as an AB for my 6 months of needed sea time.
I was thinking about a smaller company to break into the industry and get my required 6 months sea time. However, I feel it would be kind of a douche move to hire on for six months and then bail.
I thought about union positions, but getting a ship as a C book will be difficult.
I want to find a place that can work for me and the employer. I plan to bounce into a school house AB to Mate program as soon as I get the 6 months completed.
Any suggestions?
Recency is a killer.
Be more concerned about YOUR situation, not that of a potential employer.
I’d get hired on with anyone willing to hire you (within reason).
Providing the employer with a timely heads up that yer leaving is your only obligation.
LOTS of companies prefer to promote from within, don’t assume that you need to bail at the 6 month mark just because;
for all you know you just might click with that employer and they find a spot for you and your new ticket.
PAYING BILLS is the important part and you can only do that if yer hired.
My two cents
BMC(SW), Retired
[QUOTE=travel2write;139111]I recently retired from the US Navy after 26 yrs of service and plan to continue my adventures and life at sea. I had qualified and stood OOD underway (Officer of the deck) on various ships throughout my career. My goal was to springboard into a third mate position with my experience in the Navy. I attained my MMC credentials for AB unlimited and have the required sea time in order to take the mates exam. One hiccup… The requirement of having 6 months of sea time with AB MMC “in hand”. I should of attained the endorsement prior to retiring… but sometimes lessons are learned the hard way.
So here is my dilemma.
Looking to go to sea as an AB for my 6 months of needed sea time.
I was thinking about a smaller company to break into the industry and get my required 6 months sea time. However, I feel it would be kind of a douche move to hire on for six months and then bail.
I thought about union positions, but getting a ship as a C book will be difficult.
I want to find a place that can work for me and the employer. I plan to bounce into a school house AB to Mate program as soon as I get the 6 months completed.
Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]
You might be surprised by how marketable you actually are. Even though your experience isn’t within the oil field for example (if that is of interest to you), it’s experience. That is more than a lot of people getting into to his industry right now. Many people starting out have never been on a ship, and some have never even been on an overnight fishing trip. A company could like the fact that within a year, you could have your license, and by that point you have a pretty good understanding of what is going on by having sailed as an AB. That’s pretty cheap training for them.
Most of your larger OSV companies love to hire vets. The fact that you already have the AB and most of the time to upgrade to mate is a plus. As stated above you don’t have to look for something temporary. Shoot for the companies at the top of your list. With your experience they will be looking to hire you with an eye on that mates license. There is always MSC but I’m sure you’re looking for something with a better schedule and a regular crew change. Put yourself out there it sounds like you’ve researched enough and know what to expect.
I was approved to test for 3rd Mate right from the jump, the USCG felt that my qualifications in the Navy trumped “6 months as able seaman, boatswain, or quartermaster, while holding a certificate or endorsement as able seaman.” I don’t know why that wouldn’t still be true. Put in an appeal and do some campaigning for your self. Now, having 90 days recency in the last 3 years is a different story, no wild card for that one!
[QUOTE=travel2write;139111]I recently retired from the US Navy after 26 yrs of service and plan to continue my adventures and life at sea. I had qualified and stood OOD underway (Officer of the deck) on various ships throughout my career. My goal was to springboard into a third mate position with my experience in the Navy. I attained my MMC credentials for AB unlimited and have the required sea time in order to take the mates exam. One hiccup… The requirement of having 6 months of sea time with AB MMC “in hand”. I should of attained the endorsement prior to retiring… but sometimes lessons are learned the hard way.
So here is my dilemma.
Looking to go to sea as an AB for my 6 months of needed sea time.
I was thinking about a smaller company to break into the industry and get my required 6 months sea time. However, I feel it would be kind of a douche move to hire on for six months and then bail.
I thought about union positions, but getting a ship as a C book will be difficult.
I want to find a place that can work for me and the employer. I plan to bounce into a school house AB to Mate program as soon as I get the 6 months completed.
Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]
Again, this is one of those peculiar situations that requires hiring a USCG license consultant in order to get what you are entitled to.