Best ATB company to work for?

I am looking to get a job on an ATB for the shorter hitches. I have looked into companies such as Reinauer, Moran, OSG, Savage and Kirby. Has anyone forked for any of these companies? Anyone have real payscale numbers? If so please let me know how you like working for each companies, the benefits, drawbacks etc.

Hands down Moran is the best of the bunch!

Im curious, what makes them better than the rest?

US Shipholding (their ATBs are the most “ship looking”). US Shipping reportedly requires unlimited licenses.

Isn’t US Shipping out of business?


Don’t sleep on Crowley if you are interested in ATBs

Here’s the Reinauer Union Payscale:

They have 20+ ATBs and are East/Gulf coasts, 2 on 2 off.


I’ve only spooned for them.


Do you work for them? how are they as a company? Also, how hard to get a mate job with no tug experience?

Have you worked for them? Because not one person I’ve ever personally talked to has said this is even remotely close to a good company to work for.

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lol that’s true too.

I do work there, they have mostly new equipment with some converted units. That pay scale doesn’t include an additional $50 every day for travel.

If you don’t have tug experience you’re going to be offered a deckhand spot. It’ll take some time to learn and that depends on you. The Mates do everything that falls on their watch, we don’t have buoy mates here.

DM me if you have specific questions.


I’ve never heard of them. Which boats do they have?

They don’t exist anymore. Their boats are managed by Seabulk now.

They are also about to be Fairwinds or whatever in a couple weeks.

Come on, all the good sea stories start with “So I ended up on the Chemical Pioneer…”


Those Reinauer rates look awesome!


We’re hiring if you have NY experience.


Time flies when you are having fun. From time to time, I occasionally used to work in the Gulf a bit during the winter. Maybe it’s been awhile, but I used to pass the US Shipholding ATBs. They are the best looking (most ship looking) ATBs with deep notches that I’ve seen. I asked the Federal Pilot about them. He told me that they were the top paying company and required unlimited licenses. I had no reason to know that they went out of business.

I can’t find anything about a US Shipholding on Google. US Shipping had the nice green ATBs and required unlimited licenses. I think those boats still do require unlimited licenses, they are (and were) AMO Deep Sea also.


I think you got it there. It probably was US Shipping, and I just misremembered the name.

I remember seeing the Corpus Christi in the Bay Area every so often.