Do I need to to take a test to get my BCO/Barge Supervisor if I have my 1. MODU stability course 2. Firefighting 3. Survival Suit and survival craft and a unlimited license .
The regs are a bit confusing:(2) Present evidence of training course completion as follows: (i) A certificate from a Coast Guard approved stability course approved for a barge supervisor license or endorsement; (ii) A certificate from a Coast Guard approved survival suit and survival craft training course; and (iii) A certificate from a firefighting training course as required by 10.205(g) of this part.
(b) An applicant for an endorsement as BS who holds an unlimited license as master or mate must satisfy the requirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and have at least 84 days of service as ballast control operator or barge supervisor trainee.
No. Just be sure to get your company to clearly state your sea service was as BCO trainee (for the BCO endorsement) or as BCO or BS trainee (for the BS endorsement).
Subpart D_Professional Requirements for Deck Officers' Licenses
Sec. 10.474 License for ballast control operator.
(a) To qualify for a license or endorsement as ballast control
operator (BCO), an applicant must:
(1) Present evidence of the following experience:
(i) One year of employment assigned to MODUs including at least 28
days of service as a trainee under the supervision of a licensed ballast
control operator; or
(ii) A degree from a program in engineering or engineering
technology which is accredited by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET). Commanding Officer, National Maritime
Center will give consideration to accepting education credentials from
programs having other than ABET accreditation. An applicant qualifying
through a degree program must also have at least 28 days of service as a
trainee under the supervision of a licensed ballast control operator;
[I]B Present evidence of training course completion as follows:
(i) A certificate from a Coast Guard approved stability course
approved for a barge supervisor or ballast control operator license or
(ii) A certificate from a Coast Guard approved survival suit and
survival craft training course; and
(iii) A certificate from a firefighting training course as required
by Sec. 10.205(g) of this part.
(b) An applicant for an endorsement as BCO who holds an unlimited
license as master, mate, chief engineer, or assistant engineer must
satisfy the requirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and have at
least 28 days of service as a trainee under the supervision of a
licensed ballast control operator.
If you notice that part 2) (i) Provide a certificate of an approved BCO or Barge Supervisor Course.
That is the part that you would have to test to receive that certificate. I “think” you can take the test at the Coast Guard. If not you are going to have to waste a week of your life in a class to get that Certificate. Also you only need 28 days sea time under the supervision of a license BCO to get the BCO. The 84 days is for Barge Supervisor or OIM with an Unlimited license. I just went through this. I did the Suit training at MSTC and the BCO and MODU Stability at Martin International. You do have to test. They are not going to just give it to you. I am getting ready to test for my CHief Mate and I am also asking to just test for the Barge Supervisor so I don’t have to spend a week in class for that. I do plan on going back to Martin Intl. to meet the OIM requirement.
Part 2) (i) requires completion of an approved [U]Stability Course[/U] for a barge supervisor or BCO. I agree that that course includes an exam but it is not a license exam at the USCG REC. It’s part of the course.
There are exams for BCO or BS (see testing requirements in 46 CFR 11.920) but they are for non-licensed (or limited license) personnel. GOMariner indicates he already holds an unlimited license and will therefore only require the endorsement. Drilling crew guys or AB’s that become BCO’s or Barge Supervisors would need the separate testing. If you hold an unlimited 2nd Mate’s license already and are now testing for Chief Mate they should not require you to take another module just for the BS endorsement.
I have to disagree. I was not the only one in the class for BCO that has a 2nd Mate. If what you are saying is true then I do not have to take the OIM test, but I think you are mistaken. I will check into it a little more.
I can agree to disagree on that point. It probably doesn’t help out with the original question though. Perhaps some other people will chime in.
I endorsed my unlimited Master’s license with OIM about 5 years ago… no testing requirement. I also recently assisted another unlimited master with his OIM endorsement (January 2009). He did not have to test either. See 46 CFR 11.470 for OIM requirements.
I still dont see a definite ans to GO’s question???
we have a 3rd mate that was told by the USCG that he has to take the BCO test(optional BCO/BS class) in addition to his MODU stab ect … the man he spoke with at the USCG was not very knowable thou. BUT our Capt. said he did not have to take the BCO test, he is a CFR guru. We cant seam to get a real ans. sorry i know this does not ans your question.
IS there ANY ONE AT THE USCG reading this that can clarify???
I found some information on this that may help some people out but may also confuse the situation further…
46 CFR 11.903 (b)(1) clearly says that a Master’s license (Ocean Any Gross Tons) being endorsed as OIM doesn’t require testing.
I guess one is left to interpret the other requirements for Chief Mate’s and BS/BCO. That’s probably where the confusion comes in. When the REC’s handled it individually some likely interpreted testing to be a requirement while others did not. Now that evaluation is centralized it’s probably being enforced uniformly as requiring the testing (based on your experience and Spinny’s comments).
My employer’s licensing department recommends taking the Martin International course as you are doing since they issue the test in house and avoid the trip to the REC.
I got some feedback from NMC today and she is saying I need 168 days of sea time and either an approved Course Certificate or test for Barge Supervisor. I just wrote her back explaining I only need 84 days since I already have my 2nd Mate’s license. I will see what their reply is. I have not officially gotten the letter back, but there was also something about how my sea time is written. Saying 2nd Mate/BCO/DPO is not enough. It seems it needs to state OICNW. SO it looks like I am going to have to see about getting sea time letters re-written. Same letter different words same time. I just want to get this over with.
Well apparently I do have to test for Barge Supervisor and I was able to convince her that I only need 84 days…so there you go. I either test or go to class for 5 days.
ALL applicants for BS, BCO, and OIM test regardless of whether they hold an unlimited license. See section four of the Deck Exam guide ( and note the absence of footnotes indicating that under certain circumstances a test isn’t required.
The regulations referred to above set different sea time requirements for the licenses if you hold an unlimited license, they do not say a test is not required (contrast this with regulations that specifically say a test isn’t required, or that onlay a limited test is required).
[quote=jdcavo;16513]ALL applicants for BS, BCO, and OIM test regardless of whether they hold an unlimited license. See section four of the Deck Exam guide ( and note the absence of footnotes indicating that under certain circumstances a test isn’t required.
The regulations referred to above set different sea time requirements for the licenses if you hold an unlimited license, they do not say a test is not required (contrast this with regulations that specifically say a test isn’t required, or that onlay a limited test is required).[/quote]
[quote=spinny02;18206]Cavo, I am faced with this also. DO I NEED to take a test for bco and BE? * i have taken the modu satbility class.
or do i just need the 84 days?[/quote]
ALL applicants for BCO or BS must take the exams, regardless of how much sea time they get or what other licenses they hold. The exam modules they have to take are specific to MODUs and would not have been covered by any other exams they may have taken for another license.