[QUOTE=dougpine;57219]Here’s a question for you, Capt_Anonymous, that recently popped up on the forum. Can you help this poor damsel in distress, maybe?
[I]I wonder if there are any “other halves” on here – male or female – that might give me an opinion.
I met someone nice, we started dating, it was going well, then… he’s off at sea. For months. And is mostly not writing. It really seems like a terrible relationship to sign up for… no? Now that I’ve had time to think it over it seems like I’m possibly getting involved with someone who basically is gone a little more than half the time. Meaning there will be half the holidays, half the vacations, half the picnics, half the camping trips, half the sex, half of basically everything great I want in a relationship… Someday he could be, at best, half a dad. Argh, that seems awful.
What am I missing?!??
I feel like breaking it off now (when he returns) before it gets anywhere, but maybe I’m judging the situation unfairly??[/I][/QUOTE]
So, not knowing the whole story here, I’d love to hear how the “first mate” in this story feels about things. By the way, you ought to call him “Chief Mate” since Gilligan was the last “first mate” I ever heard of, unless I count my first sexual partner.
Here’s a little joke to put things in perspective. If you continue in this relationship, you can expect to have this occur 15 or 20 years down the road. It’s happened to most of us men in this industry:
A husband, who has six children, begins to call his wife “mother of six” rather than by her first name. The wife, amused at first, chuckles. A few years down the road, the wife has grown tired of this. “Mother of six,” he would say, “what’s for dinner tonight? Get me a beer!” She gets very frustrated. Finally, while attending a party with her husband, he jokingly yells out, “Mother of six, I think it’s time to go!” The wife immediately shouts back, “I’ll be right with you, father of four!”
Anyhow, my advice to you would be to not get yourself all worked up about what might be, and instead focus on what is. If he’s worth it, and you can keep your pants on when he’s sailing, then go for it. Otherwise move along.
Love and kisses,