Arctic News

Even in these days of sanctions some things can be done between opposing parties:

Norway has taken over the chair at the Arctic Council:

The Arctic Circle Conference was held in Reykjavik, Iceland last week. One of the headline speakers were US Senator Lisa Murkowski:

Her speak in full:

The story about Pasvik River, forming the border between Finland, Norway and Russia:

See Photo gallery at end of article.

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A dilemma:

The French are assessing:

Residents of Svalbard make their voices heard:

The faith of soldiers from the Kola Peninsula fighting in Ukraine:

You can’t escape the pressure of modern communication, even at 79 North:

DP World and Rosatom forge JV for Northern Sea Route:
NSR operator Rosatom and DP World signed in June a cooperation agreement to “develop pilot container shipping between Northwest Europe and East Asia using the Arctic support transport infrastructure”.

Who say i is going to be easy to “go green”?:

Will Russia soon publish their own “xx-dash line” in the Arctic?:

Pumped hydro as a “battery” to store excess wind or solar power has been mentioned here before
The Finns may be the first to do so at scale:

Finland is known as “the land of the thousand lakes” so it’s just a question of picking the right ones to start with.

PS> Lapland has just as many hours of daylight in a year as anywhere else, but it comes in “lumps”.

To reach the goals set for the NSR Russia need more and larger high ice classed ships:

Bowhead whale skull in Utqiagvik (TravelingOtter via CreativeCommons)

Not only the US as a “boarder problem”:

The Finnish Government is doing something about it:

PS> The Finnish boarder with Russia are also the boarder of the Schengen boarder free area in Europe: Schengen Area - European Commission

That leaves only ONE boarder crossing between the Schengen-area and Russia that is open for legal traffic; Storskogen in Norway:

At last the sun is back:

Icy shipping on the Northern Sea Route. Photo: RN Vankor

If you can’t reach the wharf there are ways:

Shipment on the Yenisey to Rosneft’s Vostok Oil project. Photo: RN-Vankor