the MALIK ARCTICA beside the Brunt Ice Shelf in early January! This was the first relief of Halley Research Station by sea in several years. The teams worked incredibly hard over 9 days complete the unloading supplies, and load 6 years of waste.
Photo: British Antarctic Survey
The Arctic Ocean is becoming more accessible as the sea ice retreats. Expectations of increased human activity in the central ocean basins create the need for an updated approach to governance based on an improved understanding of the ecosystem and its response to the changing environment.
Deployment of the Norwegian Polar Institute’s deepest (4200 m) and northernmost (86° 32’ N) mooring “Amundsen-1” from the research vessel Kronprins Haakon though a small lead in the sea ice on 7 August 2022. Senior engineer Kristen Fossan (Norwegian Polar Institute) is releasing one of two acoustic Doppler current profilers that will provide year-round current measurements in the upper 500 m. The whole operation took around three hours to complete and required good coordination with the captain controlling the ship and crew operating a crane and a mooring winch. Recovery is planned for summer 2024.
Photo: Trine Lise Sviggum Helgerud / Norwegian Polar Institute
Map showing the location of the Nansen and Amundsen Basins (outlined in white), the track of the Kronprins Haakon (yellow line), two new moored observatories (bright yellow stars), the section of hydrographic, current, turbulence, and biogeochemical observations made from the vessel (red dots) and in-situ sea ice measurements (blue hexagons) collected during the 2022 cruise. The Norwegian Polar Institute’s sustained observatories in Fram Strait (1990-present) and northeast of Svalbard (A-TWAIN, 2010-present) are also shown.
Soldier with the U.S. 3rd Battalion, 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 11th Airborne Division carrying his weapon and gear after a jump in Alaska in February this year. It is the same soldiers that will jump near Bardufoss in Norway to take part in the exercise from March 18 to 22. Photo: Spc. Abreanna Goodrich / U.S. Army
The King crab (aka Kamchatka crab) is an invasive species that has become big business in Finnmark:
Video link:
Note that they use another invasive species as bait in the traps;
Pacific Pink Salmon, which is NOT welcome and is NOT an economic success.
In fact it is a danger to the native salmon as it enters the rivers to compete for spawning grounds: