I submitted for 3rd Mate Unlimited, after holding a 1600 Ton Mate / Oceans …Half of my accumulated time, is on unlimited tonnage vessels and the other half is on 290 and 490 ton vessels…
The NMC kicked it back due to recency…My recency is on a 290 ton vessel and they want 45 days on an unlimited tonnage vessel…
The checklist and the corresponding CFR 11.201 only states vessels of appropriate tonnage…The checklist states that all time must be on vessels over 200 Tons…Because my time is split up( the required 1080 days ) does the recency get spilt also? Has anyone ever ran into this before???
Your best bet is to write a reconsideration letter. The burden of proof lies with us the mariner. Quote the CFR’S and prove that you have all of the required tonnage. I had to write a recon letter and do the math for them. If you have the same evaluator, call them up as many times as it takes to get them on the phone. Be nice as pie when you leave a message. Discuss your issue and be sure to be polite. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
Thanks RR, thats my plan…I don’t need this upgrade for my current position, so I have the time to research it and see what happens…I like this kind of challenge because somewhere in all of those NVIC’s, policy letters,CFR’s or the MSM is something I can use…My mission is to find it…
Fellow Shellback, good luck with your endeavor. Keep us posted.
The statement that the qualifying CFR is the LAW. Their interpretation ( the Navic) is the NOT the law. You need to politely, convincingly point out the specific CFR cite and the specific sub paragraph that you qualify under. You may have to email an attachment of the specific paragraph with the pertinent part highlited to make it idiotproof (or at least NMC proof) to help them ‘see’ your point though. Do take the time to regurgitate the info to them so they see how you came to that decision. And you may have to gently remind them of the CFR cite to make your point.
[QUOTE=RubberRhib888;66633]Your best bet is to write a reconsideration letter. The burden of proof lies with us the mariner. Quote the CFR’S and prove that you have all of the required tonnage. I had to write a recon letter and do the math for them. If you have the same evaluator, call them up as many times as it takes to get them on the phone. Be nice as pie when you leave a message. Discuss your issue and be sure to be polite. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.[/QUOTE]
The about the squeeky wheel - but remember it is also the first one replaced!
Yes! What Cappy208 said. Exactly.