Reconsideration Letter

Hello All,
I submitted an application for Third Mate Unlimited July of last year. After almost eight months, the USCG evaluator was unable to grant me approval for testing due to a problem with my sea time. I am 187 days shy of the required 1080. Unfortunately not all of my sea time is on vessels over 200GT. I have plenty of sea service on vessels of 198GT and 199GT. Obviously I’m 2 tons below the 200GT minimum. I’m in the process of writing a Reconsideration Letter to the Coast Guard. Is there anyone that has experience with this type of situation? Any information will help. I’m unclear on a format or what exactly to include in the letter. I have completed all of the required OICNW classes and assessments. They have been evaluated and accepted by the USCG. According to CFR pers 46 - 11.402(b) There is a tonnage limitation calculation of 150% of the maximum tonnage on which at least 50% of the service was obtained. “When the calculated limitation equals or exceeds 10,000 gross tons, the applicant is issued an unlimited tonnage endorsement”. My tonnage equals 14,400 gross tons. Any advice on how to proceed with this?


good luck but if it does not go they way you want you can test for the 1600 mate and then upgrade to 3rd when you get the time over 200 ton without testing, let us know what happens,it does say that ALL tonnage must be over 200 but you never know what they will do, IF it was me I would at least test for the 1600 while you are waiting for the reconsideration then do the upgrade, anybody else???

i would include i the letter what you have said above with the tonnage being just shy of 200,

Did it really take them 8 months to decide this or has there been some back and forth correspondence along the way?

They could care less about two tons. Take the 1600 mate test. But eight months is outrageous.

Thanks guys. There was one deadline extension for missing information. For example, I had to get my current employer to write 3 different sea service letters because the USCG didn’t like the wording on certain vessels. I’ll be emailing my evaluator today to see if I can test for the 1600. I’m just so close I could taste it…(the unlimited lic) oh well. Thanks again gentlemen.