Anyone knowany good seaschools in nyc

I’m a deckhand on the dorothy j in New York harbor just looking to get my ab ticket just looking for some guidance or advice on moving up in this industry

Buy the book and study on your own and save yourself $1,000. And take the lifeboatman class at SUNY maritime.

It’s cheaper and faster to fly south, stay with a friend, and knock out AB & Lifeboatman at Fletcher (LA), Sea School (FL), or Quality Maritime (FL).

Even including car rental. There are no good NYC options.

Great Lakes Maritime Academy has an AB/Lifeboatman course coming up in February. Cost with housing is $2200. Might be worth checking out.

The only thing I can think of is the continuing ed courses at SUNY.

Northeast Maritime in Fairhaven Mass. has a lifeboatman class.

And some hot female secretaries, FYI.

Here you go

Click on Training Courses link down the page. Contact them for further info. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions.

The Seamen’s institute on Staten Island

Are they as hot as the single mommies working their way through college at that bar across from Popes Island Marina?

Buy a 240 and just drift