Any TMA people out here?

Or is this forum just really slow? Any better forums out there?

We’re here, just not as active as we should/could be.

You should realize that this forum is comprised of working mariners for the most part. Sitting down and having the time to read and/or respond to posts would have to wait until “bid’ness” is taken care of. Be patient, nearly every valid question gets an answer here.

23 years since I graduated. Alumni has always kept low profile. No particular reason I know of, just the way it is.

Current TMA cadet here.

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'06 grad working at Vantage Drilling as a DPO

Anyone know where they plan on putting the kings pointer?

[QUOTE=Skoidat69;56820]'06 grad working at Vantage Drilling as a DPO[/QUOTE]

lucky bastard. im headed to TO as a third/dpo trainee here shortly. leaving noble now. graduated in august.

[QUOTE=tamugly;59677]Anyone know where they plan on putting the kings pointer?[/QUOTE] My guess is they’ll tie her along side the Gibson, like they did with the Sirius and Texas Clipper 2. I had heard that at some point the Cape Gibson was supposed to move on, but you know how rumors are.

Anyone know when the kings pointer will be at TMA?

Update, the KP is moored along side the Cape Gibson now, this should be interesting to see how this vessel comes into use! Will have to keep everyone updated.

what is your name tmacadet1

Kylie Howard.

Heard that guy is a chode

Ya that guy is a total mongoloid.


^^^ uh oh we gotta sir sandwich!^^^ call the battalion looks like we got a good agggggg

Sir yes sir

You and TC should discuss the validity of marching and spinning rifles!