Any TMA people out here?

forget rifles, i think i just saw the colonel trying to hold conversations with people while completely naked in the locker room.

Forget spinning rifles and a naked colonel, try holding a conversation with the Sargent. “Uhbuda uhbuda dddrugtest clb uhbuda” God TMA is a joke.

Also heard the dutch rudder is having fun at port stops in Galveston, then Galveston again. Sounds like a blasts. Think they are wasting even more school money trying to paint the thing maroon, which is a complete waste considering the maritime academy cadets are not aggies, and really separate from the A&M system. I think the academies color is blue anyways… should really just leave the ship the same color.

Dude, you need to get a life and get a clue…

Sent from my iPhone using gCaptain

HEY KID, You’ve already done far too much damage to TMA and yourself. Like you have been told far too many times already — SHUT UP.

My best advice to you is do NOT return to TMA in the fall. Try another school, or just get a job, you and TMA will both be a lot better off.

Again, SHUT UP.


If you continue to post, they / we / I will likely figure who you are. Your post history already narrows down the field considerably. When they / we / I do identify you, you can be assured your participation in the program – and to some extent the industry, will promptly cease.

Consider this an informal cease and desist for libel – a shot across your bow, if you will.

I don’t even go to TMA, but I resent your constant trash talk. It will be hard enough for all us newly minted 3M’s to establish credibility in the industry and we don’t need you casting disparaging comments about your school, admin or other cadets.

Please stop - or at least vent your rant’s somewhere other than gcaptain. This forum is too widely read by industry insiders and some readers may not be aware you are just a …(SirSan or Tug…what’s the word I’m looking for?)

[QUOTE=Jetryder223;70311]This forum is too widely read by industry insiders and some readers may not be aware you are just a …(SirSan or Tug…what’s the word I’m looking for?)[/QUOTE]

thank God you didn’t ask me!

I am actually a little pissed off that ADMIN deleted the other thread.

THAT actually was getting to the ‘root of all evil’ so to speak.

John and Rob. Let it roll. Don’t censor.

Let the chips fall where they may. It usually works out better that way, anyway!

[QUOTE=cappy208;70375]I am actually a little pissed off that ADMIN deleted the other thread.

THAT actually was getting to the ‘root of all evil’ so to speak.

John and Rob. Let it roll. Don’t censor.

Let the chips fall where they may. It usually works out better that way, anyway![/QUOTE]

I usually agree with your sentiments but have to take exception to this one. Cadet1 is nothing more than a misguided troll who need to acknowledge he made a mistake accepting an appointment to TMA, re-enroll in another university and get on with his life. Academys suck as a student, but they suck for a reason, that is to test you under controlled circumstances to assure that you have the right stuff to properly manage under stress when you are in command. This path is not for everyone and there is absolutely no shame in coming to the conclusion that an Academy education and maritime career is not a good fit for you.

When Cadet1 goes on his rants on gCaptain, he not only embarrasses himself, but all other Cadets nationwide who are desperately trying to enter a tough field and do not want to perpetuate an impression that we are nothing more than undeserving educated dumbasses. This is MY chosen career path, and I don’t need CADET1 to make my entry any more difficult that it already is.

I was one of the few that asked for CADET1’s prior thread be deleted and I stand by it.

Sorry Cappy, Cadet1 needs to move on and leave gCaptain to those interested in true maritime concerns…


knowing that an immature rambling idiotic rant should be excised is somehow good for others who may read it and realize that such useless stuff is…



I get it. Squelch any thought that may not ‘fit’ within the mainstream. Good thinking! Or not?

[QUOTE=cappy208;70375]I am actually a little pissed off that ADMIN deleted the other thread.

Let the chips fall where they may. It usually works out better that way, anyway![/QUOTE]

I’m unhappy because cappy208 had such nice words to say about me.

Thanks cappy for your words of affirmation…they’re appreciated here!

I do apologize to those who were upset at me for my harsh attacks of TMAcadet1…somehow the guy just lights a fuze under me when he posts his nonsense and the pic of the little girl pouting and being very insulting to tamugh was too much for me to just sit quietly. I promise to take my little pink pills the next time before going into full detonation mode.

While I do not generally advocate censorship, at least not of real “thoughts” with some merit, what a couple of those kids had to say had no redeeming value and it was very harmful. That one kid was metaphorically speaking “a suicide bomber” doing a lot of harm to innocent people and himself — not to mention incredibly irritating.

Admin did the right thing by deleting that thread. Hopefully, this is the end of it.

Wow, I go on vacation and look at what I miss. . . . .

Yes, and we are here working hard to support the shipping industry which helps us support our families. Unfortunately there are others are out to support the “education industry”, (fair enough they too need to support their livelihoods) but to accept any lubber who applies at TMA is a fools errand and the “misguided trolls” they are letting out into the industry have already began to affect my livelihood!

“Cadet1 is nothing more than a misguided troll who needs to acknowledge HE MADE A MISTAKE accepting an appointment to TMA”

He did not make the mistake… he will get his license and when he does make a mistake I will have to pay for it…

I think this thread deserves a bump…

Shut up and study.